20 Games To Get Excited For in 2018

God of War

20 Games To Get Hyped For in 2018 - God of War

By the beard of… Kratos?

Release Date: TBC Early Spring 2018

Platforms: PS4

Watch: Official Trailer

Why Hype: It has been a bit of a journey for everyone’s favorite Ghost of Sparta, Kratos. Featured in the first God of War game way back in 2005, the beloved character went on to star in a total of six titles before heading into a bit of a hiatus in 2010. Now in 2018, Kratos is back and better than ever, and this time he has a… son?

God of War (2018) is a soft reboot on the God of War series, setting the Greek god slayer in a new Norse mythology based world. Joining Kratos on his new journey is his son Atreus. The dynamic between Kratos and his son could be shaping up to be a sleeper story hit. As players progress through the game, both Kratos and Atreus must work together in order to survive.

Gameplay in God of War (2018) is probably the most hyping inducing aspect of the new title. Instead of following the formula of previous games in the series, the reboot is taking the series deeper into RPG territory. This means there’s a crafting system, knowledge points, archery, and even a new over the shoulder camera system. The new direction God of War (2018) is moving the series should have you hyped for the game in 2018.


20 Games To Get Hyped For in 2018 - Vampyr

Vampyr is looking to bring vampire games back into fashion and I ain’t hating it at all.

Release Date: Spring 2018

Platform(s): PS4, Xbox One, PC

Watch: Official Trailer

Why Hype: The only vampire based game I have ever played that was any good was 2004’s Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. Since that time, I’ve largely considered vampire driven entertainment to be a young adult thing. Now, however, DONTNOD Entertainment has raised me from my metaphoircal coffin and forced me into the light with their upcoming title, Vampyr.

Set in a realistic London during 1918, Vampyr has players take on the role of Dr. Jonathan Reid, a recently turned Vampyr. Being a doctor, Reid sets out to find a cure for the the city’s flu-ravaged citizens; While searching for the cure, Reid must deal with being a Vampyr and all the feasting that comes with it.

From a gameplay perspective, Vampyr features a number of interesting systems that appear to be rather promising. The first and most interesting is the game’s dynamic community system. The communities of Vampyr‘s London are populated with a number of citizens. Each citizen is unique, from the person’s name to their occupation, everything has a purpose. How Reid interacts with the citizens impacts the communities. Things like killing or not killing people will have a noticeable effect on areas of the world.

Alongside the dynamic communities are a number of other systems that have me excited. Things like wielding Vampyric powers (three ‘build’ paths), feeding to survive, and Vampyr factions all have my exited to be a vampire once again.

Skull and Bones

20 Games To Get Hyped For in 2018 - Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones is an upcoming pirate game from Ubisoft. This game looks promising, but could turn into 2018’s For Honor.

Release Date: TBC Fall 2018

Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC

Watch: Official Trailer

Why Hype: Like I mentioned earlier, it appears as though 2018 is shaping up to be the year of the pirate games. Another studio getting in on the action is Ubisoft with their upcoming title Skull and Bones. What makes Skull and Bones intriguing to me is the fact that Ubisoft has already dabbled in pirate battles in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, so I am expecting them to really bring some fun pirate gameplay to the table.

While not much has been revealed about Skull and Bones, we do have somewhat of a bare-bones idea of what the game will be about. Players will take on the role of an upstart pirate captain on the Indian Ocean who is seeking plunder. This plunder can be found along the various trade routes and is acquired using piratey methods (think cannonballs, boarding parties and the like). As players acquire plunder, they are able to choose their captains, recruit new crew members, and build deadlier ships. By purchasing upgrades, the player will be able to seek out larger targets and earn more plunder.

Skull and Bones takes place mostly on the open seas and features singleplayer, co-op, and multiplayer PvP action (featuring a variety of game modes). With such a mix of gameplay to offer, it appears Ubisoft is making yet another pirate game you should be getting hyped for in 2018. Let’s just hope they can really nail the sea shanties once again.


20 Games To Get Hyped For in 2018 - Blasphemous

Blasphemous has me seriously hyped. Look at this screenshot! LOOK AT IT!

Release Date: Fall 2018 (TBC)

Platforms:  PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch

Watch: Official Trailer

Why Hype: Now that the Dark Souls series is official done, it’s time to look towards other games to fill the huge hole left behind. Blasphemous could be one of those games that fills that hole. Starting its life on Kickstarter, Blasphemous managed to generate enough buzz (Dunkey covered it) to not only become fully funded, but also exceed its goals by hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Blasphemous is being described as a dark and brutal 2D non linear platformer, and boy does it look dark. If you watch the trailer for Blasphemous, you will immediately get a sense of the game’s tone. Everything from the world to the different boss designs hint at an incredibly dark and mature universe that is being created. This is a world that as a Dark Souls fan, I want to explore. If they bring difficulty with fairness to the gameplay, this could be a major sleeper indie hit. When your game features a giant blind baby ripping the main character apart, you know the devs aren’t messing around.


20 Games To Get Hyped For in 2018 - Scorn

Scorn looks like a collection of concept art from Alien. I like that.

Release Date: TBC

Platforms: PC (Consoles potentially in future)

Watch: Official Trailer

Why Hype: Like Blasphemous, Scorn is another indie title you should be getting hyped for. If I could describe Scorn to you, it would be an FPS horror game, with visuals that look like they were taking directly out of a Prometheus/Aliens concept book.

While visually Scorn makes a pretty compelling case to get hyped, the gameplay could also prove to be rather interesting. The official site of Scorn states that the game is being designed around the idea of “being thrown into the world”. Within this world exploration will take place in a nonlinear fashion, through the use of different skill sets, weapons and various items. For me, the mixture of horror, visually interesting settings and emphasis on exploration, has me hyped for the release of Scorn in 2018.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

20 Games To Get Hyped For in 2018

Ori and the Will of the Wisps looks to be upholding the production of the previous title.

Release Date: TBC

Platforms: Xbox One, PC

Watch: Official Trailer

Why Hype: Ori and the Blind Forest came out back in 2015, and immediately received high praise from the gaming community. Ori featured solid gameplay, a beautiful art style, a haunting OST, and an interesting story. With the reception of Ori and the Blind Forest being so positive (both financially and critically), there was no doubt that a sequel would be coming. In 2018, the sequel, Ori and the Will of the Wisps is coming to fans.

Not much has been shown about Ori and the Will of the Wisps, but if the previous game in the series is an indication, Moon Studios know what they are doing. If you are looking for a top tier action – platformer in 2018, you should be getting hyped for Ori and the Will of the Wisps


20 Games To Get Hyped For in 2018 - Anthem

I really, really, really, really want Anthem to be good.

Release Date: Fall 2018

Platform(s): PS4, Xbox One, PC

Watch: Official Trailer

Why Hype: Out of all the games on this list, Anthem has to be the one I am most hyped, but also most concerned for. If you’ve followed this site much, you will know I am a sucker for loot based, grind heavy games. Games like Destiny 2 and The Division, have consumed unhealthy amounts of my time, while still being relatively mediocre games. Anthem is shaping up to fall squarely in that kill, loot, farm and repeat genre I love so much, but will it be any good?

From the little footage we’ve been shown, we can glean a couple things. First and foremost Anthem is about looting and shooting. Essentially, players journey with their fire teams out into contiguous open sci-fi world in which they face off against various enemies which drop loot. This loot is used to upgrade the primary form of player movement (fly, leap, and climb), the Javelin exosuit. The exosuits come in a wide range of looks, weapon types, and player abilities, and will change how you fight enemies.

The second thing I noticed about Anthem is that it appears to be built with coop in mind. Gameplay will support fire teams of up to four members with full teams facing off against Anthem’s toughest enemies which will earn the best rewards. As you and your fire team explore the world, decisions you make will irrevocably change you—and the world around you.

While little has truly been shown of EA’s Anthem, I am getting hyped for this title. Combining loot and cooperative play just really gets me going. With that being said, EA has not been making the greatest games lately, so I will be on the lookout for more information as we march closer to the game’s fall release.

Metro Exodus

20 Games To Get Hyped For in 2018 - Metro Exodus

The Russia in Metro Exodus never looked so good.

Release Date: TBC

Platform(s): PS4, Xbox One, PC

Watch: Official Trailer

Why Care: Based upon the post-apocalyptic science fiction writing of Dmitry Glukhovsky, the Metro series has been somewhat of a sleeper hit in the video game industry. Metro Exodus is the upcoming third entry into the Metro series and looks to be continuing the previous titles mix of stealth,survival, and shooter gameplay elements.

If you got a chance to check out the first footage of Metro Exodus, you should have immediately noticed the visuals. Metro Exodus appears to be really pushing the visual envelope with beautiful yet harsh environments, fiery explosions, and interesting character and creature animation.

Besides the visual changes, we only know a few minor details about the upcoming Metro title. We know it takes places immediately after events of Metro: Last Lights “Redemption” ending; we also know series protagonist Artyom is making a return (along with his now wife, Anna); the game will take place over one year and features changing seasons, dynamic weather, day and night cycles, and a mix of linear and sand-box levels; and we know that hand made weaponry with a scavenging/upgrade system will also be featured in the game.

If you enjoyed the story of Artyom up to this point, then Metro Exodus should definitely be getting you hyped in 2018. More post-apocalyptic Russia exploration is always welcome.

The Last of Us Part II

20 Games To Get Hyped For in 2018 - The Last of Us Part II

The Last of Us Part II is one of two major releases in 2018 that will be huge.

Release Date: TBC

Platform(s): PS4

Watch: Official Trailer

Why Care: The final two games we will look at on this list are huge. Like industry record setting huge titles. The first game of the mega blockbuster titles is The Last of Us Part II from Naughty Dog. The Last of Us Part II is the follow up to the game of the year garnering, 2013 hit, The Last of Us.

Not much has been revealed regarding The Last of Us Part II, but we know that the game is about “50% to 60%” complete thanks to comments from Director Neil Druckmann during PSX 2017. We also know that the game will feature a number of new characters (revealed in second trailer), along with the return of both Ellie and Joel (they’ve aged about 5 years since the first game). It has also been noted that the first game focused on “love” and Druckman has stated that The Last of Us Part II will focus on “hate.”

From a gameplay perspective we have yet to see any footage, however I would expect The Last of Us Part II to utilise a similar blend of action, adventure, horror and survival, that fans of The Last of Us really enjoyed. As long as Naughty Dog brings back Clickers, I think gameplay will be just fine.

If you played through The Last of Us, you should already be getting hyped for the release of The Last of Us 2. The meshing of an interesting, emotional story with fun gameplay created an experience worthy of the many accolades it collected in 2013. If Naughty Dog can deliver an even better game in The Last of Us Part II (like they did with Uncharted II), PlayStation fans will be in for a major gaming treat in 2018.

Red Dead Redemption 2

20 Games To Get Hyped For in 2018 - Red Dead Redemption 2

Having waited 8 long years, fans of Red Dead Redemption are finally getting a new game in the series.

Release Date: PS4, Xbox One

Platform(s): Spring 2018

Watch: Official Trailer

Why Care: As the follow up to 2010’s Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2 is shaping up to be the biggest release of 2018. Fans of Rockstar games are waiting in anticipation to return to the wild west where they can experience the total freedom only a Rockstar game can provide.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel to Red Dead Redemption, an open world, wild west themed game which is often lauded as being one of the greatest games ever made. Following in the footsteps of such an esteemed title means Rockstar games will need to really bring it this year, and if any studio can, it’s them.

In typical Rockstar fashion, not much has been revealed about Red Dead Redemption 2, but we do know it follows the story of outlaw Arthur Morgan, a member of the Dutch van der Linde gang. We also know that the game will feature both singleplayer and multiplayer modes set in an open world environment. It is in the open world environments that Rockstar’s design really shine. I expect that RDR2 will feature a slew of new things to do along with secrets to uncover.

Given the pure pedigree of Rockstar studios and the number of record breaking titles they have released, it is easy to see why Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game to get excited about. It is through moments like these, that Rockstar has cemented itself as one of the great game studios.


Stay up to date on all video game release dates in 2018


Thoughts on these 20 games to get excited for in 2018? What are you hyped for? Let me know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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