How to Access Monster Hunter World Beta Reward Items

If you played the Monster Hunter World beta, you may be eligible to receive a few in game items. Which monsters you slayed during the beta will determine what bundles you are able to receive. Below you will find out how to access Monster Hunter World beta reward items.

Beginner Commendation Pack (Completed “Great Devourer, Great Jagras)

how to access Monster Hunter World beta reward items

The Beginner Commendation packs content.

Pack Content:

  • Great Jagras Scale
  • 10 x Potion
  • 5 x Mega Potion
  • 5 x Ration
  • 3 x Lifepowder
  • 3 x Armorskin
  • 2 x Max Potion
  • 1 x Voucher

Intermediate Commendation Pack (Completed “Wildspire Rampage”)

how to access Monster Hunter World beta reward items

The Intermediate Commendation Pack content. Image by Reddit User Helel89

Pack Content:

  • Barroth Ridge
  • 10 x Mega Potion
  • 5 x Nutrients
  • 5 x Energy Drink
  • 3 x Shock Trap
  • 3 x Demondrug
  • 1 x Armor Sphere
  • 1 x Voucher

Expert Commendation Pack (Completed “The Ancient Forest Menace”)

How to Access Monster Hunter World Beta Reward Items

The Expert Commendation Pack content.

Pack Content: 

  • Anjanath Scale
  • 10 x Mega Potion
  • Well-done Steak x 5
  • 5 x Flash Pod
  • 5 x Screamer Pod
  • 3 x Steel Egg
  • 2 x Armor Sphere
  • 1 x Voucher

Champion Commendation Pack (Completed “The Insatiable Nergigante”)

how to access Monster Hunter World beta reward items

The Champion Commendation Pack. Image by Reddit User Helel89

Pack Content:

  • Coming Soon

How to Access Commendation Packs

Depending on which missions you completed in the beta will determine what Commendation Packs you have access to. Regardless, all you need to do to access these items is login to the PSN account you beat the missions; access the retail version of the game; and then make your way to your Living Quarters in Astera.

To get to your Living Quarters, complete the tutorial section which involves making your way to Astera. Once here, you will follow the Fire Team Leader on a bit of a tour. Along this tour you will find you furry companion, and then attend council. Once council is finished, you will be able to enter your room (located in the lower portion of the boat besides the council area).

Inside you Living Quarters you will meet you Housekeeper. This character has a collect add ons option. You need to complete the Jagras of the Ancient Forest quest before you can claim your items. Complete the quest and return here to grab your items.


More: Check out our Monster Hunter World guide section


There you have it, how to access Monster Hunter World beta reward items. let me know what you think of the game so far in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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