The Weekly Reset #19 – Odyssey Coin Answer, The Surge 2 Announced, Free Book on PC RPGs

So I missed last week’s Weekly Reset… Sorry about that. I could try to give you a good reason, but it all came down to me playing a ton of Monster Hunter: World and not doing much else. With that out of the way, let’s get into this week’s Weekly Reset. This week we covered the answer to a burning Mario Odyssey question, the announcement of The Surge 2, and highlighted a free book that came out.

Super Mario “Coin Locations?” Odyssey

If you've been playing Super Mario Odyssey and wondered, "why is there a coin up here?" we now have an answer for you. Yoshiyaku Koizumi, a producer on the game, explained the design process behind the seemingly odd coin locations and it actually makes a lot of sense.

Apparently Nintendudes/dudettes all over the internet have been curious over the placement of certain coins in Super Mario Odyssey. “Why are they placed where they are?” occupies the minds of Switch owners around the world, and we FINALLY now know the answer. In an interview on the Nintendo Twitter, Yoshiyaku Koizumi, one of the game’s producers, answered that the reason coins seem strangely placed is… click this link to find out (Enrico’s gotta eat).

The Surge 2 is Set to Severe Limbs in 2019

Image of The Surge 2 logo

Focus Home Interactive took to Twitter and their site forums to announce that The Surge 2 is coming to consoles and PC in 2019. This announcement came as a bit of a surprise to the gaming community, as The Surge’s seemed less than stellar. With that being said, new that we will be able to start severing limbs against new enemies in new locales is welcome news to those who played the original. To read more on the announcement, check out this link.

Free Book About the History of PC RPGs Drops

Featured image of The CRPG Book Project

You know what’s fun? Video games. You know what else is fun? Reading. You know what is really, really fun? Reading about video games? Okay so that last question may be hard to answer, but a free book about PC RPGs may be a step in the right direction. The CRPG Book Project, has been in the works for 4 years and explores the history of over 400 PC RPG titles dating back to the 1970s. If you want to read more (or read the free PDF it was released in), hit up the link.

On The Slab – Kingdom Come: Deliverance

On February 13th, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is dropping on PC and consoles. This game is being described as a ‘historically accurate, you-mean-nothing RPG’, which sounds right up my alley (strip out the setting and you have my life). If you do plan on picking up KC:D, note that there is a mindblowing 23 GB, day one patch being reported, so maybe plan on playing it sometime next weekend. With that said, I’ll be here covering the game inside and out whilst downing an obscene number of energy drinks like Rockstar’s Revolt flavors (unpaid plug, looking to turn into paid plug – @RockstarEnergyDrinks for me).

To see what else is releasing this week, check out the weekly upcoming game’s post.

Thoughts on the Weekly Reset? Questions to ask? Comments to make? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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