Evolve Gets Electro Griffin & Giant Update

Evolve stage 2 brought a whole bunch of players back to the game and Turtle Rock is providing more reasons to stick around. The new update, dubbed Electro Shock is a nod to the largest chunk of the update, a Trapper Griffin variant (Electro Griffin).

The new hunter is a variation of current hunter Griffin. He is free to all founders, but new players will need to unlock through either playing or purchasing. Turtle Rock provides a bit of back story on Electro Griffin,

In the year 2358, the most dangerous Hunter in the galaxy is the target of Neo-Tokyo’s most notorious crime syndicate. Watch Roger Brown as Griffin Hallsey in “Electro Griffin and the Ninjas of Neo-Tokyo” — our hero’s most shocking role yet!

Subsequently the film is a major box office flop, so Griffin returns to Shear:

Coming straight out of the latest box office flop Electro Griffin and the Ninjas of Neo-Tokyo, Roger Brown has reprised his role as Electro Griffin to make an electrifying return to his pursuit of fame and fortune. However instead of hunting down Ninjas, Electro Griffin will be taking on his biggest challenge yet – hunting the ravenous Monsters on the world of Shear.

Turtle Rock has provided a decent character page on Electro Griffin here. Basically the post shows off all the tweaks and changes the character variant provides.

Alongside the new character has come more game updates, which can be found here. A few noteworthy changes include:

  • Changes made to progression rewards and keys
  • Updated tutorial
  • Increased maximum character length in chat
  • New items for sale in stores
  • Combat controls now lock to the camera

Are you playing any Evolve? Let me know in the Pit below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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