Apex Legends Legendary Skins – All Legendary Skins Currently Available

In Apex Legends, players take on the role of one of eight Legends who are unique champions with different styles and abilities. Like other games in the BR genre, Apex Legends lets players customize the look of their character via skins. Skins come in different rarities with Legendary (gold) being the most rare and expensive. Before you drop any dough, take a look at all the (currently available) Apex Legends Legendary Skins below.

Bloodhound (4 Legendary Skins)

Bloodhound Original Skin in Apex Legends
This is the Original Skin for the Legend Bloodhound.

Bloodhound is the first Legend we will highlight. The picture above is the original skin that Bloodhound starts with. As of the time of writing, Bloodhound has a total of 4 Legendary Skins you can unlock. The skins are as follows:

The Plague Doctor

Bloodhound The Plague Doctor Skin in Apex Legends
The Plague Doctor Legendary Bloodhound Skin.

The Runekeeper

The Runekeeper Legendary Bloodhound Skin.
The Runekeeper Legendary Bloodhound Skin.

Royal Guard

Bloodhound Royal Guard Skin in Apex Legends
Royal Guard Legendary Bloodhound Skin.

Imperial Warrior

Bloodhound Imperial Warrior Skin in Apex Legends
Imperial Warrior Legendary Bloodhound Skin.

Gibraltar (4 Legendary Skins)

Original Gibraltar Skin in Apex Legends
This is what tank boi Gibraltar looks like normally.

Tank man Gibraltar has a total of 4 Legendary Skins currently available for purchase. You can check out the default Gibraltar skin above and the various Legendary Skins below.

Millenium Tusk

Millenium Tusk Gibraltar Skin in Apex Legends
The Millenium Tusk Gibraltar Legendary Skin.

Dark Side

Dark Side Gibraltar Skin in Apex Legends
The Dark Side Gibraltar Legendary Skin.

Ride or Die

Ride or Die Gibraltar Skin in Apex Legends
The Ride or Die Gibraltar Legendary Skin.

Bunker Buster

Bunker Buster Gibraltar Skin in Apex Legends
The Bunker Buster Gibraltar Legendary Skin.

Lifeline (4 Legendary Skins)

Original Lifeline Skin in Apex Legends
This is what Lifeline normally looks like.

The Combat Medic Legend Lifeline has a total of 4 currently available Legendary Skins for players to purchase. To see the Original Lifeline skin check out the image above. To see the Legendary Lifeline skins, check them out below.

Peak Performer

Peak Performer Lifeline Skin in Apex Legends
The Peak Performer Lifeline Skin in Apex Legends.

Vital Signs

Vital Signs Lifeline Skin in Apex Legends
The Vital Signs Lifeline Skin in Apex Legends.

London Calling

London Calling Lifeline Skin in Apex Legends
The London Calling Lifeline Skin in Apex Legends.

Organized Anarchy

Organized Anarchy Lifeline Skin in Apex Legends
The Organized Anarchy Lifeline Skin in Apex Legends.

Pathfinder (4 Legendary Skins)

Original Pathfinder Skin in Apex Legends
The Original Pathfinder Skin.

Robot Forward Scout Pathfinder is the next Legend we will be highlighting. This Legend has a total of 4 Legendary Skins available for purchase. The Original Skin is pictured above while the Legendary Skins can be found below.

Angel City Pacer

Angel City Pacer Pathfinder Skin in Apex Legends
The Angel City Pacer Pathfinder Skin in Apex Legends.


Quicksilver Pathfinder Skin in Apex Legends
The Quicksilver Pathfinder Skin in Apex Legends.

Model P

Model P Pathfinder Skin in Apex Legends
The Model P Pathfinder Skin in Apex Legends.

The Aviator

The Aviator Pathfinder Skin in Apex Legends
The Aviator Pathfinder Skin in Apex Legends.

Wraith (4 Legendary Skins)

Original Wraith Skin in Apex Legends
The Original Wraith Skin in Apex Legends.

Next up on the list is Wraith. Wraith has a total of 4 Legendary Skins currently available. The Original Wraith Skin is pictured above, while the Legendary Skins are listed below.

The Liberator

The Liberator Wraith Skin in Apex Legends
The Liberator Wraith Skin in Apex Legends.

Vengeance Seeker

Vengeance Seeker Wraith Skin in Apex Legends
The Vengeance Seeker Wraith Skin in Apex Legends.

Quarantine 722

Quarantine 722 Wraith Skin in Apex Legends
The Quarantine 722 Wraith Skin in Apex Legends.

Void Specialist

Void Specialist Wraith Skin in Apex Legends
The Void Specialist Wraith Skin in Apex Legends.

Bangalore (4 Legendary Skins)

Original Bangalore Skin in Apex Legends
The Original Bangalore Skin in Apex Legends.

The soldier class, Bangalore, has a number of Legendary Skins for purchase. These 4 Legendary Skins can be viewed below, while the Original Bangalore Skin can be viewed above.

The Enforcer

The Enforcer Bangalore Skin in Apex Legends
The Enforcer Bangalore Skin in Apex Legends.

Officer Williams

Officer Williams Skin in Apex Legends
The Officer Williams Skin in Apex Legends.

The Spacewalker

The Spacewalker Skin in Apex Legends
The Spacewalker Skin in Apex Legends.

Apex Overdrive

Apex Overdrive Bangalore Skin in Apex Legends
The Apex Overdrive Bangalore Skin in Apex Legends.

Caustic (4 Legendary Skins)

Original Caustic Skin in Apex Legends
The Original Caustic Skin in Apex Legends.

Everyone’s favorite Toxic Trapper, Caustic has a bunch of Legendary Skins for fans of this poison Legend. Like other Legends you will find that Caustic has 4 Legendary Skins for purchase. The Original Caustic skin can be seen above.

Sixth Sense

Sixth Sense Caustic Skin in Apex Legends
The Sixth Sense Caustic Skin in Apex Legends.

Divine Right

Divine Right Caustic Skin in Apex Legends
The Divine Right Caustic Skin in Apex Legends.

Philosopher’s Stone

Philosopher's Stone Caustic Skin in Apex Legends
The Philosopher’s Stone Caustic Skin in Apex Legends.


Blackheart Caustic Skin in Apex Legends
The Blackheart Caustic Skin in Apex Legends.

Mirage (4 Legendary Skins)

Original Mirage Skin in Apex Legends
The Original Mirage Skin in Apex Legends.

The final Legend we will be covering is Mirage. Mirage has 4 Legendary Skins for you to unlock. These 4 Legendary Mirage Skins are highlighted below (see above for Original Mirage Skin).

The Revenger

The Revenger Mirage Skin in Apex Legends
The Revenger Mirage Skin in Apex Legends.

Ghost Machine

Ghost Machine Mirage Skin in Apex Legends
The Ghost Machine Mirage Skin in Apex Legends.

Angel City Hustler

Angel City Hustler Mirage Skin in Apex Legends
The Angel City Hustler Mirage Skin in Apex Legends.

The Prestige

The Prestige Mirage Skin in Apex Legends
The Prestige Mirage Skin in Apex Legends.

As of the time of writing there are a total of 32 Legendary Legend Skins for purchase/unlock in Apex Legends. Since the game is relatively new, I fully expect this number to increase. As new skins are introduced to Apex Legends, I will be updating this list of Apex Legends Legendary skinsAs you wait, check out our posts on the Legendary Weapon skins and Legendary Banners.

Bought any of the Apex Legends Legendary Skins? Let me know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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