How to Get Costumes in Yoshi’s Crafted World

In Yoshi’s Crafted World there are different costumes you can unlock for your Yoshi. These costumes change the way your Yoshi look and offer some other interesting bonuses. Below I will walk you through how to get costumes in Yoshi’s Crafted World.

Collect Coins

The first step to getting costumes in Yoshi’s Crafted World is to collect coins. Coins are the currency you will use to acquire costumes so you want to collect a lot of them. The exchange rate of coins is 100 = 1, so 100 coins gets you one costume. Collect a ton of coins if you want to get all costumes.

Use Costume Machine

In each area of Yoshi’s Crafted World you will find a costume machine. These machines accept 1 coin (100 coins) for a costume. What rarity of costume you get is based on chance (though you seem to get costumes you don’t have). There are three rarities of costume: normal, rare, super rare. You will also notice that each area has its own costumes, so be sure to check new machines often.

That’s all you need to know about how to get costumes in Yoshi’s Crafted World.

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