Where to Find 5 Cows in Yoshi’s Crafted World

After completing a couple of levels in Yoshi’s Crafted World, you will be tasked with collecting specific items in each level. These items are given to the flower bots in each area. The first item to collect is 5 cows. This guide will show you where to find 5 cows in Yoshi’s Crafted World.

Go to Rail-Yard Run Level

Complete Level Rail-Yard Run in Yoshi's Crafted World

To start, make your way to the Rail-Yard Run level in the Sunshine Station. Once at this level you will need to playthrough it looking for cows to collect.

Cow 1 Location: Background as Soon as Level Starts

Cow 1 Location Background as Soon as Level Starts

The first cow can be found near the levels begin in the background. There are a few coins before then there’s the cow. Shoot an egg at the cow to collect it.

Cow 2 Location: Background by Fly in the Sky Info Box

Cow 2 Location Background by Fly in the Sky Info Box

Head deeper into the level until you reach an information box that talks about “Fly in the Sky.” To the right of this box is the cow. Shoot an egg at the cow to collect it.

Cow 3 Location: Background by Tossing an Egg Info Box

Cow 3 Location Background by Tossing an Egg Info Box

Like the cow above, you will find the third cow in the background by the Tossing an Egg information box. Shoot an egg at the cow to grab it for you collection.

Cow 4 Location: Background by Gift

Cow 4 Location: Background by Gift

This cow is located next to a gold and red gift in the background. Shoot an egg at the cow to add it to your collection.

Cow 5 Location: By Railroad Crossing

Cow 5 Location By Railroad Crossing

The final cow is located just right of the railroad crossing in the background. Shoot an egg at the cow to get it.

Once you’ve collected all 5 of the cows, speak with the flower bot to receive a flower and another request. This time the flower bot wants a clothesline. That’s all there is to it.

Next: Where to find the clothesline.

Thoughts on our where to find 5 Cows in Yoshi’s Crafted World guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


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