Code Vein Boss List

In Code Vein you will travel through various areas which end with bosses. These bosses are the hardest portion of the game as they feature more complex movesets than traditional enemies. To help you keep track of the bosses in Code Vein consult the Code Vein boss list below.

Note: List is updating.

Oliver Collins

Image showing the Oliver Collins boss.

Location: Ruined City Underground; Depths: Den of the Dead (Prisoner of the Abyss).

The first boss you will fight in Code Vein. Oliver Collins can be found when you reach the surface. This enemy is the NPC you start the game with, but he has succumbed to his illness. After the brief cutscene you will fight Oliver Collins. This boss has two phases, the second phase sees Oliver Collins morph into a large creature at half health. For defeating this boss you unlock the Oliver Collins achievement, the Berserker blood code, and the Juggernaut Sledgehammer.

Butterfly of Delirium

Image showing the Butterfly of Delirium.

Location: Ruined City Center.

The second boss you will encounter is the Butterfly of Delirium. This boss is located at the end of the Ruined City Center area. The Butterfly of Delirium is a flying boss that is rather quick. This can make the fight a bit of a pain for heavy weapon users. Once you’ve defeated this boss you will unlock the Butterfly of Delirium achievement.

Insatiable Despot

Image showing the Insatiable Despot boss.

Location: Dried-up Trenches

After making your way through the Ruined City Center you will arrive in . At the end of this area you will encounter the boss fight with the Insatiable Despot. This boss will summon pillars mid fight which morph into adds if not destroyed. For beating this boss you unlock the Insatiable Despot achievement.

Invading Executioner

Image showing the Invading Executioner boss.

Location: Howling Pit

In the Howling Pit area you will run into the boss called the Invading Executioner. This boss is essentially a pole dancing mermaid… For defeating this boss you will unlock the Invading Executioner achievement.

Argent Wolf Berserk

Image showing the Argent Wolf Berserk.

Location: Cathedral of the Sacred Blood.

You will find the Argent Wolf Berserk on the top of the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood. This large creature fights you in a relatively small arena which can be a bit annoying. You need to defeat this boss to advance further into the area. Upon defeat, the Argent Wolf Berserk drops the Obliterator Axe.

Queen’s Knight

Image showing the Queen's Knight.

Location: Memories of (your character’s name)

After defeating the Argent Wolf Berserk you can interact with the axe nearby to reach a new area called Memories of (your character’s name). This area features a boss called Queen’s Knight. Defeating this boss nets you the Queen’s Knight achievement and the Queenslayer Blood Code.

Successor of the Ribcage

Image showing the Successor of the Ribcage boss.

Location: Cathedral of the Sacred Blood.

At the very end of the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood you will encounter the Successor of the Ribcage. This wolf like boss resides inside the main cathedral. This fight features two phases with health bars for each. Once you defeat the first phase you will watch a long cutscene. After this cutscene you will fight the boss a second time. For defeating Successor of the Ribcage you will earn the Successor of the Ribcage achievement.

Successor of the Breath

Image showing the Successor of the Breath boss.

Location: Ridge of Frozen Souls.

When you make your way to the end of the area called Ridge of Frozen Souls you will face off against the next Successor, Successor of the Breath. This boss is a large suit of armor with antlers and a large shield. For defeating this Successor you will unlock the Successor of the Breath achievement and the Queen’s Breath Blood Code.

Gilded Hunter

Image showing the Gilded Knight boss.

Location: Ashen Cavern.

Once you’ve made it through the Ridge of Frozen Souls you will enter the next area called Ashen Cavern. Inside the Ashen Cave you will run into the boss called Gilded Hunter. For defeating this boss you will earn the Gilded Knight achievement.

Successor of the Claw

Image showing the Successor of the Claw boss.

Location: City of Falling Flame.

Making your way through the Ashen Cavern will lead you to the City of Falling Flame. In this flaming city you will find the boss, Successor of the Claw. This boss is a large cat. For defeating this boss you will unlock the Successor of Claw achievement and the Blazing Claw weapon.

Successor of the Throat

Image showing the Successor of the Throat boss.

Location: Crown of Sand.

After you face off against the Successor of the Claw you will head to the Crown of Sand area. In this area you will face off against another Successor, the Successor of the Throat. This part human boss will reward you with the Successor of the Throat achievement.

Blade Bearer & Cannoneer

Image showing the Blade Bearer & Cannoneer bosses.

Location: Crypt Spire.

Once you’ve made it to the Crypt Spire, make your way up to the top to trigger a cutscene. During this cutscene you will witness two of Mido’s puppets come to life known as Blade Bearer & Cannoneer. This marks the first duo boss fight of Code Vein. For defeating both of these bosses you unlock the Blade Bearer & Cannoneer achievement as well as the weapons Burning Disaster and Iceblood.

Juzo Mido

Image showing the boss Juzo Mido.

Location: Crypt Spire.

At the end of Crypt Spire you will face off against Juzo Mido. Juzo Mido is the main villain we’ve been encountering throughout our playthrough. For defeating Juzo Mido you will unlock the Juzo Mido achievement and the Judgment Edge boss weapon.

Queen’s Knight Reborn

Image showing the Queen's Knight Reborn.

Location: Provisional Government Outskirts.

After you take down Juzo Mido you will end up in the Provisional Government Outskirts. In this area you will run into the Queen’s Knight Reborn, a second fight against the Queen’s Knight. For defeating this boss you will unlock the Queen’s Knight Reborn achievement.

Attendant of the Relics

Image showing the Attendant of the Relics.

Location: Provisional Government Outskirts.

Deeper into the Provisional Government Outskirts you will encounter the Attendant of the Relics. This boss looks similar to IO.

Skull King

Image showing the Skull King boss.

Location: Gaol of the Stagnant Blood.

The final area you will enter is called the Gaol of the Stagnant Blood. In this area you will run into the Skull King. The Skull King is the first phase of the final boss in Code Vein. For defeating the Skull King you unlock the Skull King achievement and the Argent Wolf King’s Blade weapon.

Check back as we continue to update our Code Vein boss list! There are plenty more bosses to come.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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