Code Vein: Where to Find the Statue

After you’ve rescued Mia in Code Vein, you will return to the Home Base and will be tasked with finding the statue of the goddess in the Ruined City Center. Below I will show you where to find the statue.

Where to Find the Goddess Statue?

Image showing the ladder you should head down.

To start make your way to the Ruined City Center – Park Ruins Mistle. From this Mistle travel to the north and you will see a ladder heading down. Go down the ladder to the ledge below.

Image showing the statue location.

Follow the ledge around and you will find the statue. Approach the statue and you will be prompted to interact with it. Interact with the statue to lower the ladder to the right. Climb up the ladder that lowers and go up the ladder to trigger a cutscene. From this area follow the path to the north to reach the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood.

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