Pixel Privateers Boss List

I have been playing the new indie game Pixel Privateers and am enjoying all the loot goodness. For those of you who don’t know the game, basically you fly around a galaxy fighting enemies and collecting loot. Once you begin to progress into the story you are tasked with collecting 5 Essence items. These items are guarded by bosses which are the hardest encounters in Pixel Privateers. Bosses are denoted by skulls next to the planet. Along with being the hardest fights, bosses also drop the highest level of loot (orange). So what bosses will you be fighting? Below is my Pixel Privateers boss list.

Boss 1: Colossus

Pixel Privateers boss list

The first boss you fight in Pixel Privateers is Colossus. Colossus is a giant mech and guards the Essence of Logic.

Boss 2: Bulbous Protrusion

Pixel Privateers boss list

The second boss you will fight along your galactic quest is the Bulbous Protrusion. It is hard to really describe what this boss is, but it’s certainly ugly. When you defeat the Bulbous Protrusion you get the Essence of Mutation.

Boss 3: Drone Hive

Pixel Privateers boss list

The Drone Hive is the third boss you will fight as you hunt to collect the Essences. Think of the Drone Hive as a drone maker. The boss doesn’t attack you directly, but basically makes drones constantly. Upon defeating the Drone Hive you will get the Essence of Electromagnetism.

Boss 4: Blistering Hydroid

Pixel Privateers boss list

Facing you as the fourth boss is the Blistering Hydroid. This fleshy looking hydra is basically a boss I have no idea on how I beat it. Conventional wisdom would say to kill all 4 heads at once, but that didn’t do anything for me. It just sort of randomly died. Regardless, slaying this beast nets you the Essence of Morphallaxis.

Boss 5: Sir Mr. President of the Imperium

Pixel Privateers boss list

Of course we are gonna face of against the President of the Imperium, it was right there in front of us the whole time. In order to get the fifth Essence stone, you need to take down the vainest man in the galaxy. Flanked by two mechs, the President is actually a pretty simple and straightforward fights. Focus the mechs first and then dump damage onto the President. Once defeated, you will receive the fifth and final Essence stone, Essence of Gravity.

Final Boss is on the next page!

Let me know what you want added to the Pixel Privateers boss list in the Pit.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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