Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Field Upgrades Unlocks List

In Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) players carry a special usage item called a Field Upgrade in their Loadout. This Field Upgrade provides extra benefits on the battlefield when employed. There are a total of nine Field Upgrades for players to unlock and use if they so desire. Check out the Field Upgrades unlocks list below.

Field Upgrades Unlocks

Image showing one of the Field Upgrade unlocks.

You can chance your Field Upgrade Weapons tab on the Multiplayer home screen. On the Field Upgrades screen you will see the various unlockable Field Upgrades I’ve listed below:

  1. Munitions Box (Level 1): Deploy a box of ammo and equipment for you and your teammates. Shoot at your own risk.
  2. Recon Drone (Level 1): Remote controlled drone that marks enemies.
  3. Dead Silence (Level 10): Temporarily make your footsteps quieter. Kills refresh duration.
  4. Stopping Power Rounds (Level 19): Reload your gun with stopping power rounds that deal extra damage.
  5. Trophy System (Level 27): Deployable autonomous defense system that destroys up to three nearby pieces of equipment and projectiles.
  6. Deployable Cover (Level 30): Portable, rapidly-deployable ballistic cover.
  7. Tactical Insertion (Level 40): Marks a location as your next spawn point.
  8. EMP Drone (Level 46): Detonate an EMP payload at a targeted location using an RC Plane. Disables all electronics in the area.
  9. Weapon Drop (Level 55): Deliver a cache of high-powered weapons to your location for your team.

This concludes our Field Upgrades unlocks list. As you can see there are a number of toys for players to play around with as they level their way through the multiplayer of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

Thoughts on the Field Upgrades unlocks? Drop a comment in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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