Mass Effect Andromeda Romance Guide

As you are all aware, Mass Effect Andromeda is now out and that means time for space sex. There are a wide range of prospective partners both within your crew and outside it, but romancing requires effort. To help with that effort we have put together a Mass Effect Andromeda romance guide for you. If you are a degenerate who doesn’t want to put the effort in, you can instead watch the Mass Effect Andromeda romance scenes below.

Romancing largely involves choosing the flirt option (heart) when it is available to you, but also requires you doing the character’s loyalty mission.


Peebee (Both)

You meet Peebee on Eos while attempting to interface with Remnant technology. After completing the Vault on Eos, Peebee will join your crew. Being an Asari, Peebee will be open to either gender Ryder. Peebee is a character who can be romanced or you can have a no strings attached relationship. Depending on which choice you pick, the other will be eliminated from the playthrough.

1. Peebee move into an escape pod near the bridge on the Tempest. Talk to her here when she first moves in and choose the “You crave excitement, huh?’ option.

2. After initially meeting Peebee in step 1, choose the flirt option in your next conversation.

3. Peebee tells you she requires Remnant technology, so collect it for her. After you collect it and return to Peebee, choose the “it’s true” conversation option.

4. Complete the quest titled, “A Trail of Hope”, be on Aya, speak to Peebee

5. Talk to Peebee in the Escape Pod and choose either the “I’d want strings” or no strings option. No strings option triggers the Zero Gravity scene.

No Strings (Zero Gravity)

6. If you chose to romance Peebee, visit Kadara and speak to Peebee about Kalinda. This triggers her loyalty mission.

7. Finish Peebee’s loyalty mission intro and talk to her on the Tempest

8. Complete Peebee’s loyalty mission and talk to her on the Tempest

9. Having completed the loyalty mission, leave the Tempest at least once then return and talk to Peebee. Here you can go exclusive.

10. Complete the quest “Journey to Meridian” and interact with the gift in the Pathfinder Quarters. This unlocks the romance scene with Peebee.

Pebee Relationship Scene 

Cora (Male Ryder)

Cora Harper is the Pathfinder’s second in command. She is only available to romance if you are the male Ryder. Pursuing a relationship with Cora means you will have an exclusive relationship (no chance with others).

1. Use the flirt option “We’ll be good together” when you are introduced to Cora in the Bio Lab on the Tempest

2. Use the “Oh? What about now?” option in casual conversation while on the Tempest

3. Do the above two steps; leave the Tempest at least once; then talk to Cora in the Bio Lab and choose the “You’re a romantic.” conversation.

4. In between Mission Three, and Mission Five (do not complete Mission Five), talk to Cora and use the “You and I can handle anything.” conversation option.

5. Complete sidequest Sign of Life on Eos and then talk to Cora in the Bio Lab

6. Complete Asari B – story One and have visited Aya, talk to Cora in the Bio Lab

7. Complete Asari B-story Two and visit Kadara. Then you can launch Cora’s loyalty Mission

8. Complete Cora’s loyalty mission intro then talk to her on the Tempest bridge.

9. Complete Cora’s loyalty mission then talk to her in the Tempest meeting room

10. Complete Cora’s loyalty mission, complete story mission four and you will be invited to join Cora in going to Eos. Here there will be a mini-cutscene and you kiss

11. Once Meridian Hub unlocks, talk to Cora on the Tempest and you will unlock the sex scene below.

Broken Lights (Nudity Warning)

Gil (Male Ryder)

Gil is the Tempest’s Chief Engineer who makes sure things on the ship are running smoothly. He is also a love interest for male Ryder (no female Ryder on this one). Gil’s romance is relatively short and is pretty easy to complete if you are desperate.

1. Speak to Gil in the Engineering area of the Tempest. When talking to Gil the first time, respond with the “I’ll do more than show up” option.

2. After visiting the planet Aya, speak to Gil on the Tempest and choose the “And now what?” option.

3. Complete the quest, “A Trail of Hope”, talk to Gil, Choose the ” Slow down big guy.” option.

4. Complete the quest, “Hunting the Archon”, speak to Gil and choose to commit if you are interested.

5. Once committed, speak to Gil in Engineering and then again in the Pathfinder’s Quarters. You will unlock the scene below.

Gil Romance Scene (YT: PwnPow)

Liam (Female Ryder)

Liam is another crew member you have from the start much like Cora. This romance option is only available to female Ryder. Like other romances, this relationship culminates in an exclusive relationship.

1. When in the Storage Room with Liam, choose the “Company like this” option

2. Talk to Liam on the Tempest

3. Visit Aya and Liam’s research project; then head to the storage room and respond with “You two should sell tickets” and “Explain and make it good.”

4. Complete the quest “A trial of hope”; return to the storage room and talk to Liam. You will kiss.

5. Head to Aya and trigger the scene at the bar. Return to Liam and choose the option  “I enjoyed time with you too”

6. Settle all three required Outposts for Liam’s loyalty mission and return to him to trigger the second part

7. Complete Liam’s loyalty mission and choose the “I’m interested in you.” option

8. While in the settlement on Eos (Prodomos) meet up with Liam. You can commit to him here.

9. Fully research the jet pack and return to Liam. This triggers the scene below.

Liam Final Scene (YT: Edu9k7 TV)


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