Borderlands 3: How to Access Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption DLC

This how to access Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption DLC guide will show you how to access the third piece of DLC content for Borderlands 3. The Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption DLC takes players to the new planet of Gehanna where there are new enemies, new weapons, new NPCs, and a new story to complete. Alongside the release of this DLC the level cap has been raised to 60.

Download the Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption DLC + Title Update

Image showing the DLC download page for Borderlands 3 on the Epic Games store.

Before you can play the DLC you need to install it and the DLC and the most recent title update. This means buying the DLC ($14.99) if you don’t have it already. Once you have ownership over the DLC you will need to download the DLC content from your store of purchase. The Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption DLC download is roughly 11 GB in size. Alongside this DLC there is a title update. This title update is 3 GB in size. Download this title update alongside the DLC. Once both downloads are complete launch Borderlands 3 and head to Sanctuary.

Interact with Wanted Poster on Sanctuary and Head to Gehanna

Image showing the wanted poster you need to interact with to start the Bounty of Blood DLC in Borderlands 3.

In-game head to the Sanctuary ship and make your way to the table outside your room (exclamation mark on your map/mini-map). On this table you will find a Wanted Poster. Interact with the poster to start the Blood From A Stone mission. When this mission starts you will be tasked with making your way to the planet of Gehanna. Head to the bridge and make your way Gehanna. Take the drop pod down to start the new DLC.

Thoughts on our How to Access Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption DLC guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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