Paper Mario: The Origami King Overlook Mountain Guide

Upon making your way through the area called Picnic Road you will arrive at Overlook Mountain. Overlook Mountain is a large area crawling with areas and many collectibles. Like the previous levels up to this point you will want to keep your eyes open for anything that may look a bit off. These are often hints of secrets. To help you complete this location use our Paper Mario: The Origami King Overlook Mountain guide below.

Overlook Mountain Collectibles

  • 5x Collectible Treasures.

Overlook Mountain Guide

When you enter Overlook Mountain for the first time it will look like a sprawling area, but it is actually rather linear. The main path you see is the one you will follow for most of your jaunt through the level. While on this path you will want to step off it on occasion to access various collectibles and secrets.

To start this location walk forward and hit the red and white sign to rescue Toad 1. Repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 1 on the wall here then head down the path to the left of the sign and fight the Shy Guys that drop down. Continue heading to the left and you will reach a chest. Inside it is the Collectible Treasure No.17 Greenery. By the chest there are three blades of grass where you will see a Toad bouncing up and down. Hit the Toad to rescue Toad 2. Return to the sign area and head to the right.

Along this right path you will encounter and enemy Spiny. These spike covered enemies cannot be jumped on with normal boots but instead require using your Hammer or Iron Boots. Lucky for us there is a pair of Iron Boots in the ? Block along the path here we can collect. Once you have this item either fight the Spiny or continue heading to the right to reach the gazebo.

At the gazebo fix the Not-Bottomless Hole 2 to get access to a bench. Sit on this bench if you need to replenish your life. Leave the gazebo and go up the ledges to the left. Jump onto the gazebo roof and cross it to the right to reach a ledge with Toad 3 on it. Fix up the Not-Bottomless Hole 3 to the right of the Toad to reach the ? Block that has a Fire Flower in it. Return to the ledge we used to jump onto the gazebo roof.

On this upper path area you will encounter a jumping grasshopper. Hit the ground near the grasshopper to flip it onto its side then hit it again with your hammer to rescue Toad 3. Once you’ve rescued this first Toad go into the area with the hedges and two more will appear. Hammer both to rescue Toad 4-5. Continue to the left and grab the ? Block to get 100 coins. Return to the path and fill in Not-Bottomless Hole 4. Continue heading to the left but walk behind the hedges along the path. Behind to the second to the left one a bug will scurry out. Hit it to rescue Toad 6.

How to Get the Green Shell Stone

Image showing how to get the Green Shell Stone in Overlook Mountain.

From here head up to the table that has Monty Mole and the Koopas around it. When you do you will learn about a once in a lifetime deal for a Miracle Orb. Monty will sell you this item for 10,000 coins. Refuse the deal until he drops the price to 300. Buy it to get the Green Shell Stone. If you refuse to buy at 300 a Koopa will buy it and you will need to buy it off them for 1,500.

After the sale head to the left of the stall to repair Not-Bottomless Hole 5. Walk to the left from this spot to go under the main path to a treasure chest that contains Collectible Treasure No 18: Paper Macho Goomba. Head back to the trail and go up it to reach the world warp pipe. Jump on it and peel of the blockage so it becomes usable. Use this pipe to head back to Toad Town if you so desire.

Smash the rock next to the warp pipe to rescue Toad 7 then head left and repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 6 that’s on the tree there. To the far back of the tree and walk to the right until you reach the gap in the hedges. Drop down onto the ledge here to find Toad 8 and Not-Bottomless Hole 7. Return to the main path and repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 8 next to the right tree.

How to Get the Yellow Shell Stone

Image showing How to Get the Yellow Shell Stone in Overlook Mountain.

Walk over to the white bridge and attempt to cross it to have a Macho Goomba appear. Bait its charge then rush back to the entrance and wait for it to turn so the seal appears. Hammer the seal then defeat the enemy to earn a heart. Cross the bridge, jumping off the far left corner so you can reach the ledge there. Walk to the left on this ledge to reach Not-Bottomless Hole 9 and Toad 8 who is stuck on the wall above. Hit the wall to have the Toad slide off it. Walk to the right past the bridge and repair Not-Bottomless Hole 10. Head up the slope and use the save block.

From the save block walk into the hedge area and hit the middle left hedge to reveal a Goomba. Defeat this Goomba to have a 1,000-Fold Arms spot appear at the base of the cliff. Use this spot to peel the cliff to reveal a Dry Bones holding the Yellow Shell Stone. After you get the stone the Dry Bones will run away. Return to the save block and head to the right.

Continue to the right until you see Not-Bottomless Hole 11. Repair it and head down the ledge to reach a fenced in area with multiple buried Toads in it. Pull out each Toad to free the (5 total). One of the Toads you pull out will get chased by a Goomba. Head back to the level warp pipe to find it cornered. Defeat the Goomba to rescue it. Return back to where you found all the Toads and head down the ramp in the background next to the blue fence.

In this lower area repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 12 and hit the ? Block to get 100 coins. Head to the left of this block and then go to the foreground to access a hidden tunnel leading to a chest with Collectible Treasure No. 19: Sap Sister and Not-Bottomless Hole 13 in it. Return to the ? Block area and head to the dock. Speak to the Koopa there to start the fishing mini-game.

Fishing Mini-Game and How to Get the Blue Shell Stone

Image showing how to get the Blue Shell Stone in the Overlook Mountain.

To start this mini-game approach the rod on the end of the dock and interact with it to start. The Koopa on the dock will give you a brief over view on how the mini-game works. Basically you want to cast out the line and wait for a fish to bite. Once a fish is on the line reel it in. To get the Blue Shell Stone you want to catch the largest shadow there is. This initiates a battle with a Cheep Cheep. Complete it to get the Blue Shell Stone. During the fishing mini-game there is a chance a sparkly green fish will spawn. Catch this fish to get the Collectible Treasure No.20: Folded Bowser. Fish once more and you should catch a blue fish that is actually Toad 9.

Head back to the save block and save. Go to the main path and head up it to the right until a large shadow appears. Run back down the slope as the Thwomps fall. At the bottom a star will appear on top of the tree. Knock if off the tree with your hammer then run up the slope knocking the Thwomps out of your way. Hang a left at the top and repair Not-Bottomless Hole 14. Continue down the slope to find Toad 10. Head back up the slope and take a right. Repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 15 then walk right to encounter some Spiny enemies. Take them out in battle (or use the star power) to reach the Not-Bottomless Hole 16 and a ? Block with 100 coins in it. Head up the slope nearby to reach the trapped tram.

After speaking to the Toad in the trapped tram defeat the Origami Paragoomba that is in the near area. Head to the left of this enemy and hit the ?-Block to get 100 coins. Leave the block and head to the purple stairs. Repair Not-Bottomless Hole 17 at the base of the stairs. Don’t go up the stairs but instead go behind the stairs to the left to reach a special location with a bundle of Toads. Open the bundle to free them. Return to the stairs and go up them.

Follow the path until you reach Not-Bottomless Hole 17 on the wall. At this spot you will be attacked by some enemies. Defeat these enemies and repair the hole. Continue heading left up the path until you reach Overlook Tower.

Overlook Tower

There isn’t much you can do at this point at Overlook Tower so head to the left to the sign. Hit the sign with your hammer to have a Toad appear. Hit the Toad to straighten it out. After this head down the slope to the Overlook Sports Park. Before going over to the Shy Guys playing soccer drop to the ledge below and walk over to the furthest right hedge to trigger a grasshopper. Bonk the grasshopper to rescue a Toad. Continue right to reach a ? Block with 1,000 coins in it. Return to where you found the grasshopper Toad and walk off the foreground between the fence pieces to reach a ledge with a ? Block that has a Toad inside. Drop off the ledge and make the long voyage back to the soccer field.

How to Get the Red Shell Stone

Image showing how to get the Red Shell Stone in Overlook Mountain.

Approach the Shy Guys playing soccer to trigger a battle. Defeat these enemies and a Toad will appear. Hit it with your hammer to straighten it out. Head left past the warp pipe and go down the slope to reach a soccer field with Paper Macho Shy Guy playing soccer. Walk onto the field to trigger a mini-game with them. To complete this mini-game you need to intercept the Red Shell Stone they are passing between each other. To do this knock over two of the Shy Guys then rush the one with the stone. It will pass to the knocked over Shy Guy and you can scoop it up.

Once you have the final shell you can leave the Overlook Mountain through the green warp pipe we walked past heading to the final soccer pitch. Before doing this let’s grab the last few available collectibles we can:

  • Toads: defeat the three Macho Paper Macho Shy Guys to rescue three Toads.
  • Collectible Treasure No.21: Paper Macho Shy Guy: Go to the foreground in the soccer pitch and drop between the fences to reach a treasure chest with the collectible inside it.

These are all the collectibles we can grab at this point in time. Now that we’ve accomplished that feat head to the green warp pipe and go into to head to Picnic Road where we will open the door to the Earth Vellumental Temple.

Tram after Red Streamer Destroyed

image showing where to find the Tram Toad in Overlook Mountain.

Important: Go here after completing the Overlook Tower.

When you destroy the Red Streamer make your way down to the tram and hit the right planter to get rescue Toad. Repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 17 on the stairs then go up and speak to the Tram Toad to head to Autumn Mountain.

Need more help with Paper Mario: The Origami King? We’ve got you covered. Check out our complete wiki for Paper Mario: The Origami King where you will find a collection of guides for the main story, side missions, collectible locations, and more.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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