Paper Mario: The Origami King Earth Vellumental Temple Guide

When you’ve collected all four of the shells needed to open the Earth Vellumental Temple return to Picnic Road and make your way down to the temple door. Insert each shell by interacting with the door to open it. Inside you will enter the Earth Vellumental Temple. To help you complete this location use our Paper Mario: The Origami King Earth Vellumental Temple guide.

Earth Vellumental Temple Collectibles

  • 7x Toads.
  • 3x Collectible Treasure.

Earth Vellumental Temple Guide

Image showing the entrance to the Earth Vellumental Temple.

The temple is setup like a tour. You will follow a main path along which are placed donation boxes. At each box you can donate coins to hear more about the Earth Vellumental. Make your way past the first information box and head down the stairs. Hit the rock by the second info box to have a bug scurry away from it. Hit the bug to rescue Toad 1. Continue along the path to the third info box about the wall scratches. Hit the info box to have Toad 2 appear. Jump on the box and pull to rescue it.

Turn on the fourth information box near the lights to turn the lights on. Light number five is not on. Go over to it and jump up into to reveal Toad 3. Continue along the path to the right to reach the tour end. By the end you will see a rock you can smash. Break the rock with your hammer to send three bugs scurrying out. Hit the two that remain in the area to get Toad 4-5. Backtrack to the stairs by info box three to find the other bug that is Toad 6.

Now that you’ve collected everything for this room head back to the dead end and interact with the final information box there. After you hear the information hit the wall with the turtle on it with your hammer multiple times to knock it over. This reveals a new area to explore.

In this next portion of the tunnel wait for the columns to rise then use them to cross over to the save block. Save your game then repeat the process to head to the right. While on the third column here ride it down to reveal Not-Bottomless Hole 1 on a pillar. Repair this to get the pillar moving again. Complete the pillar sequence and head to the right to reach the entrance to the next room (hit the rock nearby for health if needed).

Earth Vellumental Temple Room 2

Image showing the Earth Vellumental Temple Room 2.

Inside the second room of the temple you will trigger a brief cutscene sequence. After this cutscene you will need to fight some Koopas that appear. After this fight walk down the ledge in the foreground to the platform that looks like a turtle. Walk down the bottom left leg and follow the path to reach a treasure chest with the Collectible Treasure No.25: Earth Vellumental Relief in it. Return to the turtle platform and head across the gap using the moving heads (grab both ? Blocks along the way).

On this second turtle platform fight the Koopa there. After the fight walk to the bottom right leg and stand on the discolored spot. Jump to reveal a ? Block that has a Fire Flower in it. Return to the main body and head top right to the Not-Bottomless Hole 2. Repair this hole to get the column moving. Cross the column and head to the background to reach a ? Block with Shiny Boots in it. Head to the left of the block to reach Not-Bottomless Hole 3. Once this hole is repaired stand on the column and wait for it to go done. Walk off the platform to the left into a secret cave. Break the rock in your way and continue left to find Toad 7 who is being attacked by some Swoops. Defeat the Swoops to rescue Toad. Return to the first pillar near the turtle and ride it up to the door there to reach the third room.

Earth Vellumental Temple Room 3

Image showing the Earth Vellumental Temple Room 3.

In this room drop down the foreground when you enter to find Not-Bottomless Hole 3 on the column to your left. Repair it then ride back up. Follow the path to the right while avoiding the columns that attempt to push you off the path. After the first column you will find a ? Block with a Shiny Hammer in it. Continue right until you reach a section of path that narrows and has three columns. Let it push you off then head right and repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 4. Cross the repaired pit to the right to reach a treasure chest with the Collectible Treasure No.26: Rocks in it.

Return to the path above and make your way to the end of it to reach Not-Bottomless Hole 5. Repair the hole then head back along the path to the pillar that is to the left of the hole in the wall. When this pillar extends out you will see slot you can go inside. to reach the wall behind. Walk to the right to reach a Save Block and Not-Bottomless Hole 6. Repair the hole to reach ? Block then save your game and enter the next room.

Earth Vellumental Temple Room 4

Walk forward and hit the rock in your path. Defeat the Koopa that drops and continue forward and make your way past the first fire trap by walking in between the gaps in the fire. Jump over the next trap when there is a space between the flames and continue to the left. Avoid this next large trap and repair Not-Bottomless Hole 6-7 on the steps before the two large flame traps. To make your way through these two large traps simply wait for a gap in the flames and walk through it when clear to do so.

After those traps you will reach a huge trap that appears impassable. To get through this area you wait for the trap to turn to reveal a missing flame. You can stand inside the alcove where the flame should be and ride the trap around to the exit. Once you reach save block and save.

Walk to the left of the save and avoid the flame trap here by running left when there is a gap in the flames. Once you reach the other side of the trap hit the rock in your way to trigger the trap to fall behind you. The trap will roll towards you creating a short chase sequence. Run down the slope and repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 8 along the way (can be grabbed after the chase if you want to). Reach the end of the path and angle Mario so the hole in the trap rolls over him. The trap will fall into the gap allowing you to progress to the left. Grab the MAX UP Heart to increase your health by +20.

Image showing the Earth Vellumental Temple Room.

Walk left into room 2 and peel off the tape holding the column down. Ride the column up to reach the Vellumental Statue. Head to the left of the statue’s mouth and hit two hidden ? Blocks to get coins and Collectible Treasure No.27: Pipe. When ready enter the room equip your Shiny Hammer and save your game.

Boss: Earth Vellumental

Drop into the hole to start the boss fight with Earth Vellumental. Since this is the first boss fight in the game Olivia will walk your through how boss fights work. Essentially you start on the outside of the circle with the boss in the middle. To deal damage to the boss you need to use the arrows to move Mario to the attack spot. To do this you need to turn the rings to create a path. Once you reach the Earth Vellumental you can attack (use your hammer). After your turn the boss will attack pushing you out of the circle. Here’s some tips to complete this boss fight:

  • Hammer deals damage to the body while jumping does not.
  • Target legs, head and tail with your hammer. With Tail being the major critical area.
  • Use Toad cheer when needed to get health and other bonuses.
  • Equip Guard Plus and Heart Plus accessories available at the Accessories Shop outside of the Earth Vellumental Temple.
  • Use the 1,000-Fold Arms magic spot when prompted to end the boss fight.

Once you’ve defeated the Earth Vellumental there will be a floating book in front of you. Walk towards it to get the Earth Bibliofold. This book unlocks the Vellumental Power which lets you harness the power of the Earth Vellumental to change the landscape. Leave the boss area using the warp pipe and head back to the Overlook Tower on top of Overlook Mountain. Along the way stop in Picnic Road and grab a few new collectibles.

Need more help with Paper Mario: The Origami King? We’ve got you covered. Check out our complete wiki for Paper Mario: The Origami King where you will find a collection of guides for the main story, side missions, collectible locations, and more.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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