How to Start Remnant From the Ashes Subject 2923 DLC

The second major DLC for Remnant From the Ashes, Subject 2923, is now available for players to dive into. Like the last update the Subject 2923 campaign features new enemies, weapons, armor, and bosses to fight. Before getting to all that you may be wondering how you go about starting the new DLC update. Fear not, continue reading below to learn how to start Remnant From the Ashes Subject 2923.

Start New Adventure Mode and Select Subject 2923 Campaign

Image showing how to start the Remnant From the Ashes Subject 2923 campaign from the World Stone.

Unlike the last DLC Subject 2923 has its own campaign world you will need to head to in-order to play the expansion. To reach this new campaign go to Ward 13 and head to the World Stone. While at the World Stone select the following:

  1. Interact with World Stone.
  2. Select “World Settings.”
  3. Select “Reroll Campaign.”
  4. Scroll right and select the Subject 2923 (pictured above).
  5. Choose campaign difficulty.
  6. Start campaign.

If you follow the steps listed above you will trigger a cutscene that begins the new campaign. After this cutscene you will appear in the beginning of the campaign. Your first order of business will be to search for Subject 2923 in Ward Prime.

We have plenty more guides for Remnant From the Ashes DLCs and base game. You can see them all on our Remnant From the Ashes hub page. If you are looking for guides specifically for this DLC check out find our Subject 2923 hub.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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