How to Get the Sawed-Off in Subject 2923 – Remnant From the Ashes

The Subject 2923 DLC for Remnant From the Ashes contains a number of new additions to the game including new weapons. While some weapons come from completing side-quests, others can be acquired by simply having enough money to buy them. One weapon that can be bought is the Sawed-Off shotgun. To learn how to get the Sawed-Off in Subject 2923 check out our guide below.

Meet NPC Sebum in The Frieran Sea

Image showing the Sawed-Off shotgun for sale from the NPC called Sebum in The Frieran Sea dungeon of Subject 2923.

The merchant that sells the Sawed-Off shotgun is called Sebum. Sebum is a two-headed rat that is located on the shipwreck in The Frieran Sea dungeon. In order to get access to this NPC you will need to roll either a campaign or adventure that has The Frieran Sea dungeon in it. Once you have this dungeon simply head onto the shipwreck and speak to Sebum. Ask to see his wares then cycle tabs to weapons. To purchase the Sawed-Off shotgun you will need to have 450 scrap on you.

Once the Sawed-Off is purchased it will be added to your inventory. This gun does not have a weapon mod in it. You will need to place one if you wish to use mod powers with the Sawed-Off. Like other guns of this type you can improve the weapon up to level 20+ in Ward 13.

This is not the only reason Sebum is in the game. This NPC offers a quest to hunt for the Taskmaster’s Tusk. Completing this event can net you the new Warlord Armor set. Alongside this set Sebum sells two trinkets: Band of Discord and Ring of Synergy.

Thoughts on our how to Get the Sawed-Off in Subject 2923 guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

2 responses

  1. Liam Tam says:

    weird that the weapon is not showing up in his inventory for me I reloaded a backup save after because I thought I did it wrong but no joy, bugged?

    • enricofairme says:

      Strange. I’m not sure why it isn’t showing up for you. It’s not in your inventory at all? Are the rings he sells showing up?

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