Computer Password for Ward Prime in Subject 2923 – Remnant From the Ashes

During the Subject 2923 campaign in Remnant From the Ashes you will encounter a number of secrets and puzzles you can solve. One of the secrets you will find early is a chessboard in an office on the B1 of the Ward Prime. This chessboard is interact-able and can be viewed to learn the password of a nearby computer. If you are looking for the computer password for Ward Prime in Subject 2923 you’ve come to the right place. Check out our guide below.

Important: Turn on the power with the fuse before attempting this puzzle. You won’t be able to complete it otherwise. Also drop me a comment if the code worked/didn’t work so I know if it is randomly generated.

Where to find the Office with Computer Puzzle in Ward Prime?

Image showing where to find the office with the password protected door in Ward Prime.

Before we can solve this puzzle we first need to find it. To find the puzzle make your way to the main floor B1 and head to the right of the entrance with the checkpoint in it. Follow the hallway around the corner and you will run into a sign that says Main Bay. To the right of this sign is a doorway that say Dr. Enji Sato and Dr. Sebastian Weisskopf. Go into this office to find a chessboard and two computers. This office also houses the Homestead Basement Key if you rolled that checkpoint.

Office Puzzle Solution in Ward Prime

Chessboard that tells you the password in the office of Ward Prime.

When you interact with the puzzle board on the desk next to the wall you will see the image above. This puzzleboard is a clue to learn the password. By looking at the board and the letters on it you can determine the password for the computer. The password to type into the computer on the desk is 241351. Input this password then select enter.

Where to Find the Machine Pistol

Image showing where to find the Machine Pistol in Ward Prime.

If the password is entered correctly you will see an option to Unlock Storage Room. Unlock this storage room that is located in the bottom right corner of the office and head inside it. In a locker in this room you will find the Machine Pistol (Pistol).

That’s all you need to know to solve the computer password puzzle in the office in Ward Prime. This puzzle is just one of many you will encounter during your time in the Subject 2923 DLC. For more help on these puzzles consult our Reisum dungeons list.

Thoughts on our guide showing you the Computer Password for Ward Prime in Subject 2923? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

4 responses

  1. Aran Cluett says:

    Its alphabetical from top right being A and bottom right being Y as there is only 25 slots. Add the extra letters to get your code ?

  2. Elias says:

    It would be cool if you could give a hint first maybe? I have been scouring the storage room for clues to the three letters. I’m so confused and frustrated and feel very incompetent. I can’t wven work backward from the code you gave—none of the numbers match the spots where letters are placed on the board…? What am I missing?

    • Palm says:

      I found it from one of reddit user in case someone wants to know how the password is these numbers

      “Daclues 13 days ago
      241351 or 423115? If you fill in the board with all the missing letters of the alphabet (except z), and then look at it as a 5×5 grid, each letter would have coordinates based on row and column. 241351 puts row number before column number and is just the coordinates for I, C, and U in order. 423115 is just column number before row number.”

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