Control: Dead in its Tracks Guide

While completing the main story in Control‘s AWE DLC you will encounter a few side quests. These sides quests can be accessed in specific locations. The Dead in its Tracks side quest will begin as you explore the Eagle Limited AWE. To help you complete this side quest use our Dead in its Tracks guide below.

Investigate the Train Altered Item

Image showing the Train altered item in Control AWE.

The first step in this side quest is to investigate the Train Altered Item. This train item is located inside the Eagle Limited AWE. This is the same train you need to move in order to turn the lights on during The Third Thing quest. To investigate this train interact with the door on the right corner to teleport inside it.

How to Connect with the Train

Image showing the inside of the train and how to connect to it in Control AWE DLC.

In the train car you will see a number of items on the various tables. To connect with the train you want to interact with the items laid out before you in the following sequence:

  1. Leather briefcase.
  2. Captain’s hat.
  3. Violin.
  4. Steak Dinner.
  5. Hammer.
  6. Cogs.

When you interact with the items in this sequence you will trigger the door at the far end of the car to open. Interact with this door to complete the missions. For your effort you will earn different mods and experience.

That’s all you need to know to complete the Dead in its Tracks side quest in Control AWE. This is just one of multiple side quests you can complete while playing this expansion. Check out our Gerbil Took the Top Head guide for help with another one of these DLC side quests.

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