Chronos Before the Ashes: Pan Flautist Answers

In the second world of Chronos Before the Ashes there is an NPC named the Pan Flautist. This NPC plays a double flute that you need to advance through the world. To get this item from the NPC you can kill him or answer a few riddles. Since there is an achievement tied to solving the riddles I’ve put together a short Pan Flautist answers guide.

All Pan Flautist Answer

Image showing the Pan Flautist in Chronos Before the Ashes.

Once you find the Pan Flautist approach him and speak to him. When you talk to the NPC you will have the option that says “I need the flute you’re carrying.” After you’ve made this selection you can choose to solve the riddles or take the flute by force. Choose “Give Me your riddles” to be asked three questions. The answers to these questions are:

  1. A Fire.
  2. A Cat.
  3. Neither.

When you give the three answers listed above you will complete the riddles. This will unlock the Riddle Me This achievement. Alongside the achievement you will also receive the Pan Flute item. This item must be acquired to reach the second section of world two.

That’s all the Plan Flautist answers you need to know to complete the three riddles you are asked. This item can be placed on the statue next to the drawbridge to lower it. Once the bridge is lowered you can reach the second portion of the world where there is two bosses you must defeat and a couple of puzzles to complete.

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