How to Get Johnny Silverhand’s Gun in Cyberpunk 2077

In Cyberpunk 2077 you will playthrough portions of the game’s story as Keanu Reeves, I mean Johnny Silverhand. This hard-partying rockstar gets into a number of combat heavy situations that require wielding his kick ass legendary revolver The Malorian Arms 3516. This revolver can really do some serious damage to enemies, so you may want to get it for your V. Continue reading below to learn how to get Johnny Silverhand’s gun in Cyberpunk 2077.

Receive Johnny’s Gun During “Chippin’ In”

When you reach Act 3 of Cyberpunk 2077 you unlock a number of side quests you can complete for Johnny Silverhand. The first of these sidequests is called Chippin’ In. During this mission you will hunt down a man named Grayson who is holed up on a ship called the Ebunike.

Image showing the Malorian Arms 3516 gun in Cyberpunk 2077.

Once you reach the ship and fight Grayson and his two bodyguards you will talk to this enemy. During this conversation Grayson will give you Johnny Silverhand’s pistol: the Malorian Arms 3516. This is the pistol Johnny wields during his events in the game. While the pistol itself is very powerful the most interesting aspect of it is the reload animation which sees V spin the gun like a gunslinger.

This isn’t the only piece of Johnny’s kit you can get during this mission. You can get Johnny’s Porsche and some of his clothing items as well. See the linked guides for both to learn how exactly you get these items.

Thoughts on our how to get Johnny Silverhand’s Gun in Cyberpunk 2077 guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


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