Get Your GTA Hanger Just Right, Smuggler’s Run

Flying in GTA. So free, effortless, so beautiful. If you feel like me, you are likely mega-psyched about the new aircraft options in Grand Theft Auto. I found myself with a whole load of questions about how my GTA hanger worked, and found no decent guides online. Here you go fellow fliers, enjoy knowing what-the-heck to do.

Buy a Hanger

There are a lot of options, some wayyyyyy pricier than others. I went for the cheapest option, down at the airport because I’m so broke. Rather than being a cheap-skate, I would recommend buying up north at the air base. A hanger in the airbase gives you clearance to drive onto the base whenever you want (no more ramping cars over the fences and outrunning tanks) as well as putting you closer to a lot of missions associated with your hanger. Say hello to easy jet access.

GTA Hanger Dusk

Classy ride, classy hanger

Stock Your Hanger

Every Pegasus aircraft you have owned is available for storage inside your GTA hanger, even aircraft purchased at Warstock. You can change their display arrangement much like a garage. The terminal is at the back of the hanger. Just call Pegasus, get your plane, and drive it into the hanger.

GTA Hanger Interior

Look rich, put the expensive stuff up front

Set Up an Air-Freight Business

Now you want to show off your hanger to your insanely jealous friends. While this seems easy, it turns out it is not as straight-forward as a garage. I had to google, “How to I let my friends into my GTA hanger?” Google sucked and did not help at all.

GTA Computer Terminal

Where does the floppy disk fit? How do I get on the world wide web?

I found I had to get my air freight business up and running. Access your computer terminal, up and left from the entrance, and try to turn it on. My character is an old man, so he sucks balls at computers. It genuinely would not turn on for me. Turns out you have to access your Interaction Menu (hold Back on an Xbox controller) and scroll down to SecuroServ and register as a VIP. This will cost you a cool $50k. If this bums you out a bit, rest easy knowing it used to cost $1 million. Thanks for no longer bending us over a barrel Rockstar… Luckily this $50k is a one-time fee.

GTA Interaction Menu

Good thing EnricoFairme is a VIP or I would never have found this menu option

Ham's Fiddlers

I had to include this picture. So proud of my company name.

Do an Air Freight Mission

Next you actually have to do a mission to get the hanger fully opened up. Luckily the missions are totally awesome. You get to fly all these wacky planes that are either not available for purchase, or are so stupid expensive you will google for 20 min how to hack in a desperate dream of owning these awesome planes.

Note that at this time you can hire bodyguards to work for you. I had my wingman (literally in this case) EnricoFairme to help me out. The more bodyguards you have hired, the more cargo you can collect on a mission. More cargo means more money.

GTAO Bodyguards

The more goons the better

To start a mission, click the Source button on the computer and select a category of illegal goods to acquire.

Free Trade Shipping Co

Sweet, sweet metrics

Choose a category you have some goods in already as the game indicates if you sell in bulk you will get a better deal. I haven’t gotten enough cargo to prove this, but I am working at it.

GTA Smuggling Goods

Some goods missions are apparently harder than others

Once you finish your first Air-Freight mission your GTA hanger should be open for friends to visit. Then you can rub in their faces your sweet rides, and if you had an extra $1.15 million to spend on the Workshop when you purchased your GTA Hanger you can show off your sweet customized aircraft.

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