Absolver Guide PvP

The Basics

Any good PvP guide should start with the basics and I intend to do just that. Below I will run through some of the more ‘basic’ aspects of PvP and combat in Absolver. Hopefully this will help you (and me) establish a good foundation to build on.


Let’s start things off by diving into the general control scheme. Absolver can be played using both Keyboard + Mouse and Controller, so whichever method you prefer should be supported. With that being said, I personally opted for controller, as it seems to allow for quicker inputs (changing between stances, etc). Below are the stock controls for both KB + M and Controller.

Keyboard + Mouse

Sequence Attack – Left Mouse Button

Alternative Attack – Right Mouse Button

Dodge – Spacebar

Action – F

Rush – R

Lock – Middle Mouse Button

Emote – T

Item 1 – 1

Item 2 – 3

Weapon Draw – 2

Weapon Sheath – L Control

Guard – L Shift

Movement – W, A, S, D


Controller (PS/Xbox)

Sequence Attack – Square/X

Alternative Attack – Triangle/Y

Dodge – O/B

Action – X/A

Rush – Click Left Thumbstick

Lock – R1

Emote – L1

Item 1 – Left on D – Pad

Item 2 – Right on D – Pad

Weapon Draw – Up on D – Pad

Weapon Sheath – Down on D – Pad

Guard – L2

Movement – Left Thumbstick

Stance Mode – R2


These are the stock controls for Absolver. If you find yourself uncomfortable with how the controls are laid out, change them! Simply head to the options menu and go into controls. From here, you can change your control configuration to something that better suits your preferences.


The major focal point of Absolver is the game’s combat. Combat in Absolver takes the form of PvE or PvP. PvP combat is where you will spend the bulk of your time, which means you should have a reasonably good understanding of how the combat works.

Combat Styles

Your Prospect begins the game by selecting a Combat Style. At the start of the game, there are a total of three combat styles you can select from: Forsaken, Khalt, and Windfall. Each Style poses it’s own unique defensive ability that provides benefits when used.

Absolver Combet Styles

Forsaken: Based on Kickboxing, this Combat Style allows users to Parry. Parry stuns and slows an opponent, setting up counters when used on an incoming attack.

Absolver Combat Styles


Khalt: The Khalt method allows users to Absorb. Using Absorb allows the Prospect to absorb incoming damage and potential turn it into health with a successful counterattack.

Absolver Combat Styles
Windfall: Windfall is the most agile of the classes and this can be seen in its special ability. Avoid allows the Prospect to dodge left and right and also jump and crouch. Avoid is useful as it can open your opponent up to a quick counter attack.

Unlockable Style

Absolver Stagger School

Stagger Style: Stagger Style is unlockable by either meeting someone from the School or fighting a hidden NPC later in the PvE. In Stagger Style, players are essentially fighting in a Drunken Master stance and gain access the Special Attack ability. The Special ability allows you to both attack and defensive (don’t really know how to explain it).

Combat Style plays an important part in how you build out your character. Finding the right mix of Attributes will determine how good your build becomes. Unfortunately as of now, there is little room for experimentation due to no Respeccing, but this will change with future patches.

Combat Deck + Practice

After you learn the controls and select your Combat Style, you’ll want to begin decking out your character. This can be done in the Combat Deck Editor. The Combat Deck Editor is where you equip moves and create combos. You can equip a total of 12 moves and 4 alternative attacks. New moves can be added to your move inventory by learning them through fighinting PvP or Pve. The more moves you learn, the crazier your Combat Deck can become.

After you set up your Combat Deck, you can use the practice dummy to try your moves. Here you can learn the timings and general nuances to your character’s moveset. Like they say, practice makes perfect.


Now that you have everything sorted out, you can enter the Absolver world of PvP. This can be done a few ways. The first form of PvP is out in the PvE world and the second is accessed by using an Altar.

World PvP

World PvP is basically as it sounds. While out in the world, you will see other players. You can approach these players and immediately initiate combat with them by attacking. This will start a fight with them. If running up to someone and immediately pummeling them ain’t your speed, you can request fights via the emote radial.

Altar PvP

Absolver Combat Trials

Altar PvP takes you into special 1v1 Duel scenarios. This is the official form of PvP and ties into a system called Combat Trials. Combat Trials are tied to their own levelling system. As you level up in Combat Trials you can unlock new items, more attribute points, and eventually start you own School.

While Combat Trials are currently only 1v1 Duels, developers Sloclap intend to add 2v2 and 3v3 battles in the near future.

This concludes My broad strokes guide to the ‘basics’ of Absolver PvP. I breakdown the mechanics behind PvP in the next page. Hopefully you found this page to be somewhat informative!

What did you think of this Absolver Guide PvP? Want to add to it? Let me know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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