How to Access Absolver 1.06 Masks

As resident martial arts expert @CaptClue pointed out in a recent post, Absolver dropped a new update today. In the new update, there are six new masks available to players that are based on various Devolver Digital games. Here is how to access the new Absolver 1.06 masks.

Guidance Bridge Altar


In order to collect the new masks you need to return to the Guidance Bridge altar. Approach the backside altar and you’ll see a glowing orb. Interact with the orb. This will put the new masks in your inventory. You will get six masks in total ranging from a chicken mask to a bullet mask. Check out the masks equipped below.

Bullet Kin Mask (Enter the Gungeon)

Bullet Kin Mask

Description: Created by the Lead Lord in his First Chamber, it is actually made of copper. Heavy or not, when you wear it you can dodge, but you still can’t roll.

Blunt: 7.1

Cut: 16.6

Rengkok Mask (Ruiner)

Rengkok Mask

Description: Essence-infused mask created by the Eastern tribe of Reikon. Certainly won’t inspire trust; we can’t be betrayed if we were never friends?

Blunt: 4.5

Cut: 10.6

Oratian Operative Mask (Shadow Warrior 2)

Oratian Operative Mask

Description: Oratian Operatives work in teams of three, often wearing masks to conceal their identity. Lo Wang, High Guard of the Orate, is believed to have once said: “I will wear this mask when wild hogs can fly.”

Blunt: 6.9

Cut: 10.3

Cartel Mask (Mother Russia Bleeds)

Cartel Mask

Description: Before the Downfall, the Nekro drug was initially used by Essence miners to stay awake during their long shifts. It was soon peddled in the streets of Raslan by gangs of ruffians wearing the Cartel mask.

Blunt: 3.5

Cut: 14.2

Rooster Mask (Hotline Miami)

Rooster Mask

Description: Usually worn with a jacket, it walks a hot line between amusing and strange. Doesn’t grant any special abilities besides making your enemy feel uneasy.

Blunt: 6.5

Cut: 0.7

Elohim Mask (The Talos Principle)

Elohim Mask

Description: Made of a delicate porcelain, it’s features are almost life-like. Seems puzzled by an age – old dilemma: should one always follow the instructions of one’s creator?

Blunt: 3

Cut: 3


Let me know which of the Absolver 1.06 masks you like in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

3 responses

  1. LK878 says:

    Can you still get these this way on ps4?

  2. enricofairme says:

    Bullet Kin Boys!

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