All Audio Recording Locations in Ward Prime – Remnant From the Ashes

In the Subject 2923 DLC of Remnant From the Ashes there are a number of new achievements for players to unlock. These achievements range from simple things like defeating the end boss to more complex and time consuming ones like finding all audio recordings in Ward Prime. If you want this achievement, but don’t want to look for every recording use we’ve got you covered. Check out our all audio recording locations in Ward Prime guide below.


  • There are four Audio Logs in this location: Observatory, Medical Bay, Reactor Bay Entrance, and Laboratory.
  • To listen to an Audio Log approach it and use the interact button when prompted.
  • Listen to all four Audio Logs below to unlock the Other Voices achievement.

Audio Log 1: Observatory

Image showing the location of the Audio Recording in the Observatory of Ward Prime.

You can find an Audio Log in the Observatory which is accessible by going up the stairs next to the sign that says Observatory near the blast door on B1. The log is sitting on the console furthest from the entrance door.

Audio Log 2: Medical Bay Room with Maintenance Key

Image showing the location of the Audio Log

To advance through Ward Prime you need to head down into the Medical Bay to get the Maintenance Key. This key is found inside room in the Medical Bay are that is accessible by breaking the glass of the room attached to it then jumping into that room. Destroy the bookshelf covering the hole into the next room and you will see the Audio Log sitting on the counter in-front of you near the operating table.

Audio Log 3: Reactor Bay Entrance Area

Image showing the location of the Audio Log by the Reactor Bay Entrance.

Continue completing the main path through the Ward Prime area until you head down through Maintenance into the Reactor Bay area. In the room prior to the bay you will see Reactor Control on your left. Head opposite the Reactor Control room down the hall to the path that’s blocked by Root. Turn right at the blocked path and go into the storage room there to find this Audio Log.

Audio Log 4: Laboratory

Image showing the Audio Log location inside the Laboratory area of the Prime Ward.

Once you have the Reactor running you can head to the Medical Chief room in the Medical Bay and use the computer there to open the nearby Medical Storage room. Inside this room is the Ward Prime Keycard that allows you to enter the Laboratory. In the bottom of the Laboratory there are three doors blocked by Root. When facing the three destroy the one on your left to gain access to the Laboratory area. Head to the left to find the final audio log on a counter.

Once you’ve collected all four of the audio logs listed above you will unlock the Other Voices achievement. This concludes our guide. Hope it was helpful. As always thank you for reading.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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