All Items in Mortal Shell and What They Do

In Mortal Shell players will spend the bulk of their time exploring locations, fighting enemies, and looting items. Looting items a very important aspect of the game as you will need to use consumables, weapon upgrades, and more to face the tough challenges this game throws at you. Each item you collect in the game has a familiarity rating associated with it. The more you use these items the more you learn and unlock about them. If you don’t want to have to learn what each item does in game, we have you covered. Check out all item in Mortal Shell and what they do below.

All Mortal Shell Items

There are a total of 78 Items players can discover in Mortal Shell. These items fall into the categories of Consumables, Weapon & Equipment, Key Items, Currency, Experience, and Unlimited Use. To track you own progress in getting each item in the game you can open the inventory screen and then tab to the Compendium here you will find checklists of the Tutorials, Items, and Lore bits you’ve discovered.

All Consumable Items in Mortal Shell (27/27)

Image showing the Baguette consumable item from Mortal Shell.

There are 27 consumable items for players to find, purchase, or earn in Mortal Shell. These consumables are one-time use items that impact things like health, stamina, etc. These items are common to find and use for the most part.

  • Baguette: This baguette offers a small boost to health.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar gain more health when sinking their teeth into this wholesome treat.
  • Roasted Rat: Regenerates 35 health over 10 seconds. Consumes Resolve.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar heal for 10 more.
  • Boiled Frog: Increase stamina regeneration speed for 3 minutes.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Lasts 5 minutes for those familiar with the peculiar taste.
  • Bronze Bell: Gain 10% bonus to Tar found for six minutes.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Grants a 10% bonus chance for enemies to drop an additional glimpse for 6 minutes.
  • Golden Bell: Ringing the bell grants increased resolve gain for 3 minutes.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar with the bell’s ring are able to resonate with the connection longer.
  • Inferior Moonshine: Grants those who drink it a small amount of resolve, but at the cost of their health.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar lose less health from the swill.
  • Superior Moonshine: Grants those who drink it a large amount of resolve.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar gain more resolve.
  • Tarspore: Deals 40 poison damage over 16 seconds.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar gain immunity to poison damage for 120 seconds.
  • Weltcap: Regenerate 30 health over 30 seconds.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar heal more quickly from consuming this tangy fungi.
  • Simple Lute: Practice makes perfect.
    • Familiarity Bonus: The sheer audacity incites enemies to violence from a great distance.
  • Scripture of Euphoria: Next parry grants health on success.
    • Familiarity Bonus: More health is granted to those familiar with the verse.
  • Scripture of Repent: Next parry lights enemy on fire on success.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Familiarity with the verse increases duration and damage of the burn.
  • Scripture of Despair: After a successful parry, your next attack deals bonus damage.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Familiarity with the verse boots damage further.
  • Scripture of Ardor: Next parry poisons enemy on success.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Familiarity with the verse strengthens the effect of the poison.
  • Scripture of Defiance: Next parry refunds resolve on success.
    • Familiarity Bonus: More resolve is granted to those familiar with the verse.
  • Tainted Nektar: The foul slurry will rend you from your shell.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar with the foul nektar are able to extract a single drop of tar.
  • Mortal Token: Next damage take while hardened is converted to health.
    • Familiarity Bonus: More health is granted to those familiar with the token’s intricacies.
  • Spectral Token: Getting struck while hardened will boost the damage of your next attack.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar gain even more damage.
  • Ornate Token: Getting struck while hardened will grant a buff which reduces the next damage taken.
    • Familiarity Bonus: When familiar, the buff negates the damage completely.
  • Untarnished Mask: Recalls you back to Sester Genessa.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar with the mask gain some resolve on use.
  • Etherial Diapason: Restores your ability to reclaim your shell upon death.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Grants resolve to those familiar with the attenuation.
  • Effigy of Harros: Summons Harros through astral conversion.
    • Familiarity Bonus: The shell takes less harm if the user of the effigy is familiar.
  • Effigy of Solomon: Summons Solomon through astral conversion.
    • Familiarity Bonus: The shell takes less harm if the user of the effigy is familiar.
  • Effigy of Tiel: Summons Tiel through astral conversion.
    • Familiarity Bonus: The shell takes less harm if the user of the effigy is familiar.
  • Effigy of Eredrim: Summons Eredrim through astral conversion.
    • Familiarity Bonus: The shell takes less harm if the user of the effigy is familiar.
  • Mango: Can be found in the floating path section of the Seat of Infinity. Requires jumping off the path to a stone below. See guide here.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Offers a small boost to health when consumed.
  • Rotten Food: Restores a small amount of health at a large cost to resolve.
    • Familiarity Bonus: It takes less resolve to stomach the putrid item for those familiar with eating garbage.

All Weapons & Equipment in Mortal Shell (6/6)

Image showing the weapons and equipment in Mortal Shell.

There are six items found under the weapons & equipment header of the Items Compendium. The split of this is five weapons and one ammo type. You will unlock all four melee weapons from statues at the start of each unique area of the game. The Ballistazooka (only ranged weapon) can be fixed using tools purchased from Vlas.

  • Hallowed Sword: A heavy sword with a hollow at its center. Found in the tutorial of the game.
  • Smoldering Mace: A flaming mace capable of dealing fire damage. Found at the statue in the Temple Grounds section of the Shrine of Ash.
  • Hammer and Chisel: A hammer and chisel weapon combination. Found at the statue in Eternal Narthax section the of the Seat of Infinity.
  • Martyr’s Blade: A two-handed sword, achingly cold to grasp. Found at the statue in the Abandoned Chamber in the Crypt of Martyrs.
  • Ballistazooka: Only ranged weapon in the game. Can be made at a workbench once you’ve bought the Tools off Vlas for 8000 Tar.
  • Large Bolt: Ammo for the Ballistazooka. Can be found in the world or purchased from Vlas.

All Key Items in Mortal Shell (17/17)

Image showing the key items in Mortal Shell.

Key items are items that impact the game in-specific ways that include things like weapon upgrades, story items, and seal upgrades. There are a total of 17 Key Items for players to collect in Mortal Shell. These items are spread across the different areas of the game.

  • Tools: Purchase from Vlas for 8000 Tar. Used to make the Ballistazooka at a workbench.
  • Crystalline Gland: A story item that must be collected for the Old Prisoner. This Gland can be found at the end of the Crypt of Martyrs.
  • Knotted Gland: A story item that must be collected for the Old Prisoner. This Gland can be found at the end of the Seat of Infinity.
  • Inflamed Gland: A story item that must be collected for the Old Prisoner. This Gland can be found at the end of the Shrine of Ash.
  • Mechanical Spike: A Hallowed Sword upgrade that unlocks Mechanical Spike weapon ability. Can be found in the Grisha boss cave behind Fallgrim Tower.
  • Molten Spike: A Hallowed Sword upgrade that unlocks the Molten Spike weapon ability. Can be found in the a statue chest at the end of the river path in Fallgrim during fog.
  • Foundry Stone: A Smoldering Mace upgrade Foundry Stone weapon ability. Can be found in a tomb in the Shrine of Ash.
  • Awakened Stone: A Smoldering Mace upgrade that unlocks the Awakened Stone weapon ability. Can be found in a tomb in the Shrine of Ash.
  • Petrified Winterglass: A Martyr’s Blade upgrade that unlocks the Petrified Winterglass weapon ability. Can be found in a chest in the Crypt of Martyrs.
  • Radiant Winterglass: A Martyr’s Blade upgrade that unlocks the Radiant Winterglass weapon ability. Can be found in a chest in the Crypt of Martyrs.
  • Perfumed Censer: A Hammer and Chisel upgrade. Can be found in a chest in the Seat of Infinity.
  • Foul Censer: Upgrade for the Hammer and Chisel that unlocks the Foul Censer weapon ability. Found somewhere in Seat of Infinity.
  • Quenching Acid: A general weapons upgrade that improves damage. Can be found in the world or bought of Sester Genessa and Vlas.
  • Glimpse of Fallacy: Awarded for beating the final boss?
  • Solemn Offering: Upgrade for the Tarnished Seal.
  • Forbidden Offering: Upgrade for the Tarnished Seal that boosts resolve acquisition. Can be bought from the Corrupted Sester merchant.
  • Tarnished Seal: Given to players when they speak to the Old Prisoner. Gives ability to parry. Unlocks new uses when each Gland is given.

All Currency Items in Mortal Shell (7/7)

In Mortal Shell the common currency enemies drop upon death is called Tar. With Tar you can level up your shells and buy useful consumables and other items that will help you on your journey. While the most common source of Tar is killing enemies, there are different Tar containers you can find in the world that give you Tar when consumed. In total there are seven of these types of containers.

  • Remnant of Tar: Gives 100 Tar at max familiarity.
  • Congealed Tar: Gives 200 Tar at max familiarity.
  • Bag of Tar: Gives 375 Tar at max familiarity.
  • Slurry of Tar: Gives 600 Tar at max familiarity.
  • Unguent Tar: Gives 850 Tar at max familiarity.
  • Extracted Tar: Gives 1300 Tar at max familiarity.
  • Nascent Tar: Gives 2500 Tar at max familiarity.

All Experience Items in Mortal Shell (14/14)

Experience in Mortal Shell is given to players through a currency called glimpses. This currency is a rare drop of random enemies and also comes in the form of clusters. These clusters all give you different amounts of glimpses. The 14 glimpses in the game are:

  • Futility.
  • Wisdom.
  • Affection.
  • Hope.
  • Courage.
  • Truth.
  • Annihilation.
  • Insignificance.
  • Oblivion.
  • Corvid’s Glimpse of Admiration: Complete the Brether Corvid quest-line using Harros shell.
  • Thestus’ Glimpse of Admiration: Complete the Brether Corvid quest-line using Harros shell.
  • Cowardice: Push Corvid off the third floor in the Seat of Infinity.

The majority of the glimpses listed above are either found in the world or earned off of bosses you defeat. A few of the glimpses do require completing specific tasks that are lsited above.

All Unlimited Use Items in Mortal Shell

Image showing the Unlimited Use items in Mortal Shell.

The collection of Items are Unlimited Use items. As the name of these items suggests these items can be repeatedly used without fear of consuming them. Majority of these items are found by exploring the different areas of the game.

  • Tarnished Mask: Recalls you back to Sester Genassa, at the cost of all your glimpses.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar with the mask gain additional tar for 1 minute after use.
  • Ornate Mask: Unlocks fast travel between sesters. Can be purchased from sester once you’ve completely leveled up a shell.
    • Familiarity Bonus: Those familiar with the mask gain additional Tar for 1 mute after use.
  • Tattered Vestment: Summons the Hallowed Sword.
  • Disciple’s Rag: Summons the Smoldering Mace.
  • Martyr’s Shawl: Summons the Martyr’s Blade.
  • Sester’s Binding: Summons the Hammer and Chisel.
  • Impervious Lute: Lute is life. Found in the campsite at the end of the marsh.

These are all the items in Mortal Shell. As you can see there are a number of items for players to find and collect. The more items you have at your disposal, the easier the game becomes. Be sure to explore every area you visit to find all items there.

This post is part of our larger Mortal Shell guide and walkthrough. Check it out if you need more help finding all weapons, bosses, side quests, items, and other secrets in the game.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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