AMD Announces New GPUs

Nvidia recently announced their new lineup of GPUs and as was to be expected, AMD has followed suite. While Nvidia clearly aims to capture the hardcore and power user, AMD has gone a different route, instead settling on creating cheaper more mainstream GPUs.

Fuelled by the Polaris Architecture, AMD is creating a new set of video cards for the everyday gamer. The cards will boast a sizeable performance update from previous generations and will also drop in price. In a post announcing the cards, is was highlighted that  “The Radeon RX 480 delivers premium VR capability at a stunning price of starting at just $199 for the 4GB edition.” The 480 will offer PC gamers a chance to upgrade their rig to be VR ready, while still remaining affordable.


Much of the announcement post, highlighted the aggressive approach AMD is taking towards VR featuring comments from both Vive and Oculus representatives:

“We congratulate AMD for bringing a premium VR ready GPU to market at a $199 price point,” said Dan O’Brien, vice president of virtual reality, HTC.  “This shows how partners like AMD survey the entire VR ecosystem to bring an innovative Radeon RX Series product to power high end VR systems like the HTC Vive, to the broadest range of consumers.”

“We’ve seen an incredible range of immersive applications and game-changing experiences that have given millions of people around the world their first taste of virtual reality,” said Nate Mitchell, VP of Product, Oculus.  AMD is going to help drive that adoption forward even more by bringing their high-end VR GPUs to the $199 price point.”

On the technical side of things, there is a nice chart floating around the web here, which provides a clean look at the new card line up.

The new card line up will be available on June 29th.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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