Anthem Tombs of the Legionnaires

As you progress the story of Anthem you will eventually reach a Critical Objective called Tombs of the Legionnaires. This mission tasks you with finding and completing four tombs out in the Freeplay world. Unfortunately for us the tombs are a bit hard to find. This guide will give you information on the Tombs of the Legionnaires in Anthem.

Note: You can track your progress on the Tombs via the Start > Challenges > Expeditions > Freeplay screen.

When you complete the challenges below, you will gain access to the Tomb they are associated with. Go to the Tomb and enter it. Interact with the Tomb to get some loot.

Tomb of Yvenia

Tomb of Yvenia
Location of the Tomb of Yvenia.

Library entries: “In life, she was the rock upon which we all stood. Let her hold up the watchtower forever more. With her strength to support it, the pass shall never again be threatened.

The Legion watchtower became Fort Tarsis, didn’t it? Has anyone seen signs of this tomb nearby?”

Trial of Yvenia Challenges (4)

Honor the memory of Yvenia, Forgewright of the Legion. Completing this challenge unlocks the Tomb of Yvenia.

  • 15 Treasure Chests.
  • 25 Harvests.
  • 3 Javelins Repaired.
  • 10 Collectibles.

Once you complete all four of the challenges indicated above, the Tomb of Yvenia will be opened for you. Completing the Trial of Yvenia earns you 2000 Coin.

Tomb of Artinia

Tomb of Artinia
Location of Tomb of Artinia.

Library entries: “…with Vassa’s students, to watch the stars for signs of the General’s return. Her keen eyes and perfect calm shall protect their search for truth long after the rest of us have turned to dust.

If it’s in the Bullet Mires, we’re never going to find it. I lost my own Javelin in those ruins once, and it took me three months to spot where I’d left it.

Trial of Artinia Challenges (4)

Honor the memory of Artinia, Sharpshooter of the Legion. Completing this challenge unlocks the Tomb of Artinia.”

  • 5 World Events.
  • 30 Weapon Defeats.
  • 15 Weak Point Defeats.
  • 9 Elite Defeats.

Once you complete all four of the challenges indicated above, the Tomb of Artinia will be opened for you. Completing the Trial of Artinia earns you 2000 Coin.

Tomb of Gawnes

Tomb of Gawnes
The location of the Tomb of Gawnes.

Library entries: “Lay him to rest beside our great stronghold. He shall watch over the approach in death as he did so often in life. Blade at the ready, waiting to greet aspirants with a challenge.

Couldn’t get close enough to investigate that cavern. Too much wildlife. Have to send suits to the Fortress to check it out.

Trial of Gawnes Challenges (3)

Honor the memory of Gawnes, Blademaster of the Legion. Completing this challenge unlocks the Tomb of Gawnes.

  • 50 Melee Defeats.
  • 50 Ultimate Defeats.
  • 3 Legendary Defeats.

Once you complete all three of the challenges indicated above, the Tomb of Gawnes will be opened for you. Completing the Trial of Gawnes earns you 2000 Coin.

Tomb of Cariff

Tomb of Cariff
The location of the Tomb of Cariff.

Library entries: “Let him stand guard upon the battlefield where once we fought side-by-side to end the urgoth threat forever. Without him, it would have been the tomb for all the Legion.

The battle she’s talking about had to be at Sanctuary, right? Isn’t that the old tale?

Trial of Cariff (4 Challenges)

Honor the memory of Cariff, Tactician of the Legion. Completing this challenge unlocks the Tomb of Cariff.

  • 3 Missions.
  • 30 Gear Defeats.
  • 15 Combo Triggers.
  • 3 Multi-Kills.

Once you complete all four of the challenges indicated above, the Tomb of Cariff will be opened for you. Completing the Trial of Cariff earns you 2000 Coin.

Need more help with Anthem? Check out our other guides including how to change armor, how to access DLC, and a guide to changing the color of your Javelin.

More to add to our guide about the Tombs of the Legionnaires in Anthem? Let us know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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