Apex Legends Map Locations, What are Places Called?

Apex Legends is a new BR game out of Respawn Entertainment. Like other BR games, Apex Legends drops you on a large map with multiple smaller areas for you to explore (while killing enemy players). To help you keep track of the many locations in Apex Legends, here’s a look at the different map locations.

Apex Legends Map

Apex Legends Map Locations
This is the map of Apex Legends. You can see this particular map during the Training mission.

Apex Legends Locations:

  • Slum Lakes: Located in the northwestern corner of the island.  
  • Artillery: The most northern named location on the island.
  • Relay: Located in the northeastern corner of the island.
  • Wetlands: Located just to the South of Relay.
  • Cascades: Located on the river just southwest of Artillery.
  • The Pit: Can be found to the southeast of Slum Lakes.
  • Runoff: To the southwest of The Pit along the island’s coast.
  • Bunker.
  • Swamps.
  • Airbase.
  • Bridges.
  • Hydro Dam.
  • Repulsor.
  • Market.
  • Skull Town.
  • Thunderdome.
  • Water Treatment.

I will be adding more to this list of the Apex Legends Map Locations in the future. Check back soon. for more in depth analysis of each location.

Which Area of Apex Legends Gives the Best Loot?

Apex Legends Loot Map
This map shows the probability of different loot tiers appearing in named locations. Purple is high tier, blue is mid tier, and gray is low tier.

One question you might have while reading this post is which area above gives the best loot? Well the answer to that question is a bit complicated. To be perfectly honest with you there is some minor randomness to the loot spawns. With that said there is a website called Apex Legends Map which is attempting to create some sort of order from the chaos. The map takes player input to create the odds of loot tiers appearing in named locations. Check it out here.

Locations with Best Chance of high tier loot:

  • Water Treatment.
  • Thunderdome.
  • Repulsor.
  • Swamps.
  • Bunker.
  • Airbase.
  • Runoff.
  • The Pit.
  • Cascades.
  • Artillery.
  • Relay.

Anything to add to this list of the Apex Legends Map Locations? Let me know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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