Apex Legends Update 1.04 – Multiple Fixes Introduced

When you woke up today, you may have noticed a new update for Apex Legends is now available. This update follows on the heels of 1.03, but is far less packed than the first big update. With that said there are still many positive changes in this update so let’s take a closer look. Here’s what’s inside Apex Legends update 1.04.

To get the best look we need to make our way over to the Apex Legends subreddit. On the subreddit, Respawn Community Manager Jayfresh_Respawn dropped the patch notes in a post. For convenience sake I will be quoting the post below, but you can also visit the source here.

Apex Legends Patch Notes 1.04

– Fixes for PS4 crash issues.
– Addresses issues we saw with GPU hangs.
– Fixed crash when pressing button early in load process.
– Fixed issue where players would sometimes move slowly after revive.
– Fixed issue with Mirage Ability causing crashes.
– Fixed issue with Gibraltar Epic skins on Xbox One causing crashes


There you have it. As you can see this patch was mainly about bug fixes. This should come as a relief to many games that have been having issues with any of the things mentioned above. Respawn appears dedicated to giving the best gaming experience possible in Apex Legends and their pace of updates is more than welcome.

Thoughts on Apex Legends update 1.04? Let me hear them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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