Ascension Bluff Legendary Hunt Skrakk Guide – Borderlands 3

Each zone in Borderlands 3 features a set of Crew Challenges. These challenges are tasks the player needs to complete with the geographical area of the zone. On Pandora the area known as Ascension Bluff contains a total of six Crew Challenges to complete. One of these challenges called Legendary Hunt, comes from Sir Hammerlock. This Legendary Hunt wants us to kill a Skrakk. Use our Legendary Hunt Skrakk guide below to complete this hunt.

Legendary Skrakk Location

You will find the Legendary Skrakk to the northeast of The Droughts map transition. Head towards this area on the map and reach it. When you arrive here you will be attacked by the legendary Skrakk. This creature is a Skag that can fly.

During the fight the Skrakk you will be overrun with Skags. Keep an eye on them so you don’t get overrun. When safe to do so, focus your fire on the Skrakk to bring it down.

Reward: Daisy Marshal

Image showing the Daisy Marshall.

Once you complete the Crew Challenge check your mailbox (Start>Social>Mail). You will have a message from Sir. Hammerlock with an item inside it. The item I receive was the Daisy Marshall which is a rare pistol. Not bad for a days hunt.

More: Crew Challenges guides.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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