Beat On the Brat Choices Guide for Cyberpunk 2077

In your large apartment complex you can speak to an NPC named Coach Fred. Coach Fred is a boxer coach who asks you to fight in some matches around the city. Once you’ve completed the four boxing matches in Cyberpunk 2077 you will unlock a final fight in Pacifica at the Grand Imperial Mall. Once you reach this location you will need to speak to Coach Fred. Coach offers you the chance to throw the fight. If you want to know if you should throw the fight or not we’ve got you covered. See the outcomes in our Beat on the Brat choices guide.

Throw the Fight or Not in Cyberpunk 2077

Image showing Throw the Fight or Not in Cyberpunk 2077.

At the Grand Imperial Mall speak to Coach Fred when prompted. During this conversation opt to hear coach out then follow him to a more private area. At this location coach will layout the plan to throw the fight. You have two choices here:

  • Throw the Fight: If you select the “I’ll do it.” option you will agree to throw the fight against Razor. Once this option is picked all you need to do is start the fight and let Razor beat you. Selecting this option pays you a more Eddies than winning for only a little bit of work.
  • No Way I’m Out: Select this option if you wish to fight against Razor and not throw the fight. If you select this option be ready for a tough fight against one of the harder enemies in the game. If you beat Razor in the ring you will earn some Eddies and more Street Cred than if you threw the fight.

What choice you make here is really up to you. If you are already max Street Cred there really isn’t much of a reason to do try and win the fight. With that said if you want some decent Street Cred and have a good brawler build the fight is worth the effort, just don’t expect much money. To try out both choices simply make a save before entering the ring that you can reload.

That’s all you need to know about the Beat On the Brat outcomes. This side mission comes to an end after you throw or win the fight. Once the fight is over you will receive your reward. Unfortuntaley you cannot defeat Razor after the fight even if you want to.

Thoughts on our Beat On the Brat choices guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

5 responses

  1. Nicholas Murphy says:

    I mean, I guess I could arrive in a jockstrap sans cup and get real handsy with Ol’ razburry. It’s break him emotionally instesd of physically, but a win’s a win.

    However, there is a small part of me that believes such a mechanic may not even EXIST in this game. I realise how jarring that may be to the billions of gamers in their 20s playing right now if true. I won’t go to such a dark place, a twisted hellscape where games don’t include a build to “make your foes extremely uncomfortable as you get real drunk uncle handsy but its OK cuz were both straight” as a primary playstyle.

    I know CDPR would never dare exclude our growing cause, straight men using their lack of personal bounderies and inability to get embarrassed as mental warfare. We strive to be not only a disservice to straight men everywhere, but to all men…ALL humankind.

    Obviously they knew I would personally come to poland to use my powers of unembarrassment and “never having learned bounderies” on the developers in retribution, so we can safely assume that IS an option in game. So I just gotta know how much I stand to make because a tiny voice in the back of my mind seems to think that Razor may not actually appreciate the humor and could be a decidedly unchill variable in my plans. Probably just paranoia, razor seemed like a pretty laid back chill bro from our brief interaction. I cowered in the corner holding out my belongings sputtering “just take it…take everything, i dont want any trouble sir.” Between tears and nervous blackouts. The rest of the room uncomfortably tried to direct his attention away from the clearly racist coward peeing in self defense, but I know I got into his head. The second 20 minute crying fit? Totally fake, he was thrown off my the real one minutes prior.

    Seriously, i will relocate this story of me being the best worst guy on earth to my notes soon but I can’t stop til I get my money answers. Cmon people on this website, wake up. The kids can be late to school again. The wife’s been in surgery for two days, another 2 hours wont kill her, it’s me time. My money answers or slow downward spiral writing stories about my escapades as “The worst man on earth!”

  2. Nick says:

    What is the difference in eddies if I throw it? I am so far from a brawler spec playing on hard with zero points in fists/durability stuff. I got him down to aroind 10%ish and then he 1hit me…max street cred, max level…

    I just don’t wanna lose to 2077’s Lenny, getting hugged to death by an angry simpleton. 3k eddies is nothing, ive got everything I need but I just dont want to lose because the dumb atavistic part of my brain just doesnt want to lose fights, even virtual ones…i’m essentially a dog trying to fight a hound on TV because my synapses tell me so and that’s the end of the argument lol…

    But, if its like 20k+ it’s worth to lose. Chump change in the endgame but a lot better than 3k and a ton of effort…im just worried its gonna be like 5k or 8k or some shit

  3. EddieNash says:

    For me, it was the opposite. I met her before the fight, then I beat Razor, then I didn’t see anything about it being faked.

  4. KaboomGoesMaximus says:

    Mechanically it doesn’t change anything, but it’s worth noting that if you choose to throw the fight, a little girl will call you over and tell a story about how Razor nearly killed her father in the ring, and she wants you to beat him for revenge. I don’t know what happens if you go through with throwing the fight, but if you decide to win anyway, it turns out she was faking it (implicitly because someone wanted Razor to lose and she made a deal with them). Also Coach Fred gets SUPER mad at you.

    • Discrepancy says:

      Thank you for this! I was wondering who that girl was. Looks like I encountered a glitch because I never spoke to or even saw her before the fight; told coach I would fight only to win, and then (after a lot of work) I won. As I left the room after the fight, I encountered the girl you mention, and my V makes a comment about her “making it all up.” Since I never got the father story, I had no idea what either of them were talking about.

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