Best Roger Moore Bond Films

As a James Bond head (I’ve read all the books and seen all the films), I was pretty bummed to hear that Sir Roger Moore had passed away. While it has obviously been a while since Roger Moore was bond, there is a fondness I have for some of his Bond films that make me sad to see him go. In honor of Roger Moore, I’ve put together a countdown of the best Roger Moore Bond films. Enjoy!

7. The Spy Who Loved Me

Released: July 7th, 1977

Plot: ” James Bond investigates the hijacking of British and Russian submarines carrying nuclear warheads with the help of a KGB agent whose lover he killed. ” (Source). 

Why Seventh?: The Spy Who Loved Me, was Roger Moore’s third outing as Bond. Only a few things about the film really stand out to me: The opening skiing sequence, and the introduction of steel toothed giant, Jaws as a henchman for the film’s main villain, Karl Stromberg. While Jaws didn’t have much of a role in The Spy Who Loved Me, he would return in another Roger Moore Bond, Moonraker.  Not much else to say on The Spy Who Loved Me. It just isn’t all that memorable.

6. For Your Eyes Only

Released: June 16th, 1981

Plot: ” Agent 007 is assigned to hunt for a lost British encryption device and prevent it from falling into enemy hands. ” (Source).

Why Sixth?: The third Roger Moore Bond has similar problems like The Spy Who Loved Me. For me, there just isn’t that much interesting going on here. I will say that Roger Moore and company knew how to film ski sequences like no other. As there is another awesome one in this film. Besides skiing, there is also a fairly fun car sequence in For Your Eyes Only, but I find the whole Bibi Dahl story stuff to be brutal (though rife with sexual innuendos).

5. Octopussy

Released: June 6, 1983

Plot: ” A fake Fabergé egg and a fellow agent’s death lead James Bond to uncover an international jewel-smuggling operation, headed by the mysterious Octopussy, being used to disguise a nuclear attack on N.A.T.O. forces. ” (Source).

Why Fifth?: Probably the most iconic of all the Moore Bond films is Octopussy due to name alone. Putting the ridiculous name aside, there is actually a really fun film here. Once Bond meets Octopussy, things get insane and the film culminates in an incredible palace raid featuring numerous female assassins. Besides the palace sequence, there are some other fun action scenes involving planes, trains, rickshaws, and tigers. Octopussy pretty much features all elements of a Roger Moore bond and is a fun watch.

4. Moonraker

Released: June 29th, 1979.

Plot: ” James Bond investigates the mid-air theft of a space shuttle and discovers a plot to commit global genocide. ” (Source).

Why Fourth?: Moonraker is another one of Moore’s other Bond films that has achieved cultural hit status. Like other Moore Bond films, Moonraker ventures into the absurd, but is still really fun to watch. Moonraker brings back Jaws for a much larger role, and Bond goes into space. There are also LASER GUNS, which add a unique flavor to the typical Bond shootout. If you want to see Bond in space, watch Moonraker.

3. Live and Let Die

Released: June 27th, 1973.

Plot: ” 007 is sent to stop a diabolically brilliant heroin magnate armed with a complex organization and a reliable psychic tarot card reader. ” (Source).

Why Third?: Live and Let Die was the first Bond starring Roger Moore. The film is really good and comes in third on my list. The reason Live and Let Die is third and not first, is because the next two films are my most enjoyable Moore Bond watches. Live and Let Die is a solid film and is fun to watch. Some highlights of this Bond film are Whisper, Mr. Big, Tee Hee. and the fact that Bond goes to New York to investigate drugs. Overall Live and let Die is a fun watch that highlights the charisma Roger Moore would bring to the James Bond character.

2. A View to a Kill

Released: May 24th, 1985.

Plot: ” An investigation of a horse-racing scam leads 007 to a mad industrialist who plans to create a worldwide microchip monopoly by destroying California’s Silicon Valley. ” (Source).

Why Second?: The position of A View to a Kill on my list may be a touch controversial. Many of you probably have the likes of Moonraker and Octopussy higher, and that’s okay. As the last Moore Bond, A View to a Kill, sends Roger Moore out in style. There is a ton of action, unique characters (Christopher Walken as a villain) and a heavy 1980s vibe. A View to a Kill is a must watch for all you Roger Moore fans out there.

1. The Man with The Golden Gun

Released: December 20th, 1974.

Plot: ” James Bond is led to believe that he is targeted by the world’s most expensive assassin while he attempts to recover sensitive solar cell technology that is being sold to the highest bidder. ” (Source).

Why One?: I don’t know if this was obvious or not, but The Man with The Golden Gun takes the top spot for me. This film is ridiculous in all the right ways for me and hits all the major sweet spots for me. There’s a killer villain in Francisco Scaramanga, an equally ridiculous henchman in Nick Nack, and the inclusion of a third nipple disguise. I also feel like The Man with The Golden Gun has some of the best action sequences of any Roger Moore Bond as the car chase sequence is really, really good. If you ask me what Roger Moore Bond to watch, this is easily it.

When Roger Moore played James Bond, he brought a distinct energy to the role. Having to step in and fill the shoes of departing Sean Connery, would be no simple task for any actor, but Roger Moore did it with humor and style. Roger Moore helped keep the James Bond franchise moving forward and served as the longest running Bond. For this I am grateful. Do yourself a favor and watch one of the films mentioned on this list. Rest in peace Sir Roger Moore.

Check out more movie stuff here.

What did you think of this best Roger Moore Bond films list? What order would you’r best Roger Moore Bond films list be? Let me know in the Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

6 responses

  1. Roger Connery says:

    Exactly the opposite of this ranking is the true ranking 🙂 Not just my opinion.

  2. CaptClue says:

    You legit have read all the books and watched all the flicks? That is some seriously impressive devotion.

    • enricofairme says:

      I read all the Ian Fleming novels. They have continued the series with new writers, but that doesn’t really appeal to me. I love Bond

  3. FilmApe says:

    Real talk though, I appreciated this write up more than you’ll know. I initially didn’t think I had time to read it, but then I remembered

  4. FilmApe says:

    This was supposed to be a Moore tribute not a Nick Nack tribute…

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