What is That? Blasphemous Looks Sick and Twisted!

Now that E3 is over and done with, I can get back to doing what I enjoy. Playing games people don’t care that much about (kidding). Anyways, I was watching Dunkey’s new E3 video and he mentioned a game called Blasphemous on Kickstarter. Liking what I saw and being an inquisitive type, I traveled to the Blasphemous game page to get some more information. What I saw looks promising. Check out more information on the Blasphemous game below!

Blasphemous Trailer

About Blasphemous

Blasphemous is created by developers The Game Kitchen who created the horror point and click series The Last Door. While I am often wary of Kickstarters, the trailer alone has me intrigued about this game. Reading the game’s description also has me pretty interested:

..Riddled with frustration at their insufficient devotion, The High Pontiff heaved his golden throne with and turned the entire throne back. Years passed and all of a sudden it appeared something was beginning to change in the state of the High Pontiff. Dried out, dying branches began to emerge from the ends of his fingers and slowly started growing out from all over his pallid, immobile body. The High Pontiff was transformed into a great, withered and barren tree and began to burn for ninety days and ninety nights… (Source)

The game has a very Dark Souls vibe, but looks to be even more depraved. THERE IS LITERALLY A BABY RIPPING YOU IN HALF. Other elements that seem Souls inspired include interesting bosses, interesting environments, swordplay, and horribly deformed creatures. I am liking what I’ve seen!

If you want to support the game’s development, you can do so at the game’s Kickstarter page here. According to the Kickstarter, the game will be coming to all available consoles. Blasphemous is fully funded, which means the game should be delivered in some form or another in the coming years.

More What is that? Here

How do you think Blasphemous looks? Let me know in the Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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