Bomber Crew Guide

The Lancaster Bomber

This Bomber Crew guide is replete with knowledge about WWII air battles. If you want to know more about your plane, pay attention. It will save your bacon (or sausages if you’re British).

Fire Extinguishers

When the option to install engine fire extinguishers is given, act immediately. They are the best! You can put out an engine fire from the engineer’s console. This action does not have to be taken by an engineer. This eliminates the danger of climbing out on the wing (see Wing Repairs on the previous page for the dangers of the wing) and has multiple uses. Do not take this advice to mean you do not need any hand-held fire extinguishers inside the plane. It turns out the plane can sometimes be on fire. Always keep a fire extinguisher handy.

Bomber Crew Engine Fire

Get the engine fire extinguishers to ensure the flame paint is just for show

Ventral Gun

Then ventral gun is a solid gun, but is not useful right away. Don’t bother installing this gun for the first 7 or 8 missions. You will find your plane performs just fine without. At later levels it is definitely worth owning and upgrading. The ventral gun’s location is right beside the ammo crate, which is totally awesome.

The Bomb Bay

The bombadier can have a tricky role. There are a couple things worth pointing out.

First, the bomb bay doors do not operate if the hydraulics are out. Good luck dropping the bombs…

Second, bombs need to be selected before they can be dropped. Set yourself up in advance. Bombing runs can be a little hectic, so open the doors, and select how many bombs (1 only) you want to drop. Even the bouncing bomb needs to be selected before it can be dropped. I found this out the hard way. Who knew it would need to be selected? It is the only bomb available and it is so big the bomb bay doors aren’t even there! But the game is relentless, it needs to be selected before being dropped.

Third, the picture taking function does not need the bomb bay doors open. When doing a recon run, leave the bomb bay closed to keep armor up in your ship.

6 responses

  1. HonoluluBoy says:

    Equipment tracks can hold ammo packs. Useful for the tail finger who is fast from the crate.

  2. enricofairme says:

    Isn’t this a children’s game?

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