Borderlands 3: Obsidian Forest Crew Challenges Guide

Once you make your way through the Ashfall Peaks you will be tasked with meeting an NPC in the Obsidian Forest of the Borderlands 3 DLC. In the Obsidian Forest there are a total of 9 Crew Challenges for players to find and complete. As you head through this zone use our Obsidian Forest Crew Challenges guide below so you don’t miss any.

Obsidian Forest Crew Challenges Map Locations & Guide

Image showing a map of the Crew Challenges for the Obsidian Forest zone of Borderlands 3 DLC.

The Obsidian Forest has a total of 9 Crew Challenges for players to collect. These Crew Challenges are located throughout the zone and can be collected by completing certain tasks. The Crew Challenges in the Obsidian Forest are as follows:

  • Creature Feature.
  • Gehanna’s Most Wanted.
  • Good Prospects.
  • 2x Sato’s Saga.
  • Sato’s Cache.
  • 3x Skin to Win.

The map above highlights the locations of each of the Crew Challenges for this area. If you want more context to completing each challenge check out our text guide below.

Skin to Win Location #1: Lasodactyl

Make your way into the zone until you reach Oletta’s farm. Before entering the farm if you head to the west you will find the first Skin to Win location which has you hunt the Lasodactyl.

Skin to Win Location #2: Lectrikor

Head further into the zone until you reach the cave system to the north of the farm. In this cave system continue heading to the north to reach the Skin to Win location with Lectrikor.

Sato’s Sage #1 Location

Just before enter the train station area go to the north and climb up into the tunnel there. At the end of the tunnel you will find the first Sato Sage.

Creature Feature Location

As you leave the train station area you will find the film for the Creature Feature Crew Challenge in the southeast corner near a crashed truck.

Gehanna’s Most Wanted Location: Eliminate Waylond Hurd

From the previous checkpoint head southeast into the next cave area. In this cave area look for a way to climb up the cliff to the north. Head down the path here so you reach the area where Waylond Hurn appears.

Sato’s Sage #2 Location

The last Sato Sage can be found when you reach the train track area. As soon as you see the overhead train track head to the left and drop down along the cliff here. Follow it around the track support to reach the Sato Sage.

Sato Sage Cache Location

You will find the Sato Sage Cache next to the vending machines in the train station area.

Good Prospects Location

If you wish to find the map for this Crew Challenge it can be found in Otella’s lab on the blackboard. The treasure it leads to can be found along the raised rail line portion of the level. It is sitting on a round tank underneath the rail line you can drop down onto.

That’s 100% of the Crew Challenges in the Obsidian Forest level of the Borderlands 3 DLC, Bounty of Blood. This is one of the final levels in the DLC. The next level called Bloodsun Canyon features a number of Crew Challenges as well. Check out our guide for those here. If you need more help with other Crew Challenges check out Borderlands 3 Crew Challenges hub. If you need more help with other Crew Challenges check out Borderlands 3 Crew Challenges hub.

Thoughts on our Obsidian Forest Crew Challenges guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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