Borderlands 3: Skittermaw Basin Crew Challenges Guide

The first area of the Guns, Love, and Tentacles The Marriage of Wainwright & Hammerlock DLC that contains Crew Challenges is called Skittermaw Basin. This area is the first location you will land after riding down on the drop pod. Like other locations there are a number of collectibles to find here. To help collect of the collectibles in this area use our Skittermaw Basin Crew Challenges guide below.

Skittermaw Basin Crew Challenges Locations Map

Image showing the Skittermaw Basin Crew Challenges locations map.

There are a total of two types of Crew Challenges on the Skittermaw Basin map. The two types of Crew Challenges on this starting map are: Gaige’s Gifts and Hammerlock’s Occult Hunt. To find these collectibles I’ve marked the map above. Use it to find the general areas of each Crew Challenge for the Skittermaw Basin. Continue reading below to learn more about each location.

Gaige’s Gifts: Umbergist Village

Image showing the board with Gaige's Gift on it in the Umbergist Village.

Note: Rescue Gaige and reach The Lodge before going after this Crew Challenges as it will not appear before then.

The first Crew Challenge location I will highlight is for the collectible called Gaige’s Gifts. This collectible can be found in the location called Umbergist Village. In this village you will need to head to the upper most northern portion. Here you can walk out on the cliff face. Above you there will be a lumber piece you need to reach. To get here walk along the cliff face until you see a crate with a board on it. Use this to reach the upper portion of the cliff where the present is.

Hammerlock’s Occult Hunt: Yeti

Image showing the Hammerlock's Occult Hunt Yeti.

The second Crew Challenge location is for the Hammerlock’s Occult Hunt. This hunt is similar to the previous Crew Challenges where we needed to find legendary animals. The target this time is a legendary Yeti. You will find this Yeti in the area called Nethes Mines. The mines are opened after you complete The Case of Wainwright Jakobs story mission. Go there and defeat the target to finish this Crew Challenge.

These two Crew Challenges are the only challenges in this area. After you’ve completed this area you will want to move onto the area called Cursehaven.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Joseph says:

    The door is still shut for me…

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