Borderlands 3: The Pyre of the Stars Crew Challenges Guide

The final area we will enter is called The Pyre of the Stars. In this area you will find a total of two Crew Challenges to complete. Check out our The Pyre of the Stars Crew Challenges guide below.

The Pyre of the Stars Crew Challenges Locations Map

Image showing the he Pyre of the Stars Crew Challenges Locations Map.

To traverse The Pyre of the Stars you will need to follow Typhon as he travels around the area. This takes a bit of time. As you travel head to the location marked on the map above to find Crew Challenges.

Dead Claptrap: South of Pathway

Image showing the location of Dead Claptrap South of Pathway.

As you follow Typhon you will travel through the entire area of The Pyre of Stars. Make your way to the area marked on the map above to find the Dead Claptrap laying on a platform.

Legendary Hunt: South of Path

Image showing where to find the Swarm Host.

After you reach the third gate you will interact with the key to return to the entrance area. Before this if you head south into the location marked on the map you will find the Swarm Host creature.

Next: Legendary Rewards for completing Crew Challenges.

Thoughts on our The Pyre of the Stars Crew Challenges guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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