Brether Corvid Guide – Mortal Shell

In Mortal Shell there are a few NPCs you can interact with that have different side quests you can complete. One such NPC, Brother Corvd, can be found inside the Seat of Infinity. This NPC has a side quest players can complete to earn specific glimpses. To help you complete the side quest use our Brether Corvid guide below.

Speak to Brether Corvid as Eredrim

Image showing the Brether Corvid Eredrim side quest choice in Mortal Shell.

There are two possible outcomes for the Brether Corvid quest. These outcomes are based on who you speak to Brether Corvid as Eredrim. To get the first outcome equip the Eredrim shell and speak to Brether Corvid on the ledge. When you do this Brether Corvid will ask you to finish him off by pushing him off the ledge. Do this to receive the Glimpse of Cowardice.

Speak to Brether Corvid as Harros

Image showing how to get the

The second possible outcome is a bit more involved. To start this section of the side quest you want to speak to Brether Corvid as Harros. Corvid will recognize Harros and will ask him to do one final favor for him. Corvid wants you to bring an item to Thestus back at Fallgrim Tower. Agree to take Corvid’s Glimpse of Admiration gift.

Deliver Corvid’s Glimpse of Admiration to Thestus

Take Corvid’s Glimpse of Admiration and either fast travel or walk all the way back to Fallgrim Tower. Speak to Thestus and he will smell the Glimpse on you. Give the Glimpse to Thestus and he will give you Thestus’ Glimpse of Tenacity to take back to Brether Corvid.

Deliver Thestus’ Glimpse of Tenacity to Brether Corvid

With the Thestus Glimpse head all the way back to Brether Corvid on ledge. Corvid will ask you if Thestus is alive. This will trigger the option to Offer Thestus’s Glimpse to Brether Corvid. Do this and Corvid will talk about moving on to find Thestus. This will cause him to leave the ledge.

Where Does Brether Corvid Go?

Image showing where Brether Corvid goes during the side quest.

After you deliver news of Thestus to Brether Corvid he will leave the ledge. This means he heads to a new location. The location Brether Corvid goes is actually the Grisha cave behind Fallgrim Tower. Head to this location now to find the corpse of Brether Corvid. On his corspe you will find the Glimpse of Futility.

This concludes the Brether Corvid side quest in Mortal Shell. This side quest is one of a few side quests you can complete in the game including one offered by the mysterious Baghead. If you are attempting to 100% the game you will want to complete this side quest so you gain access to both of the unique Glimpses they offer.

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