Cemetery Guide – Vigil: The Longest Night

Through the Church Plaza you will arrive in the area called the Cemetery. This area is accessible if you have both the Double Jump ability and the Cemetery Key. Once you have both of these you can advance through the area to further the main story. If you attempt to go through this area before having these your progress will be halted. To help you get through this are use our Vigil: The Longest Night Cemetery guide below.

Cemetery Map and Guide

Image showing the Cemetery Map in Vigil: The Longest Night.

When you enter the Cemetery head left to reach an Owl Statue. Use it to save your game then head from the statue to the right until you reach a treasure chest with 3x Dynamite inside it. Once you have this item head back to the entrance to and go up the stairs about halfway. Use double jump to reach the ledge above you to the right.

Follow this path to the right taking out enemies as they appear. Drop down and grab the 1x Small Shimmering Stone. Continue heading to the right and grab the 1x Fledgling’s Blood Soul along the path. Keep going to the right until you reach a cage suspended in the air. Jump up and hack it down to create a platform you can jump on top to reach the upper ledge to the left. Follow the path left and jump up to the treasure chest to get Silver Arrows. Jump back down and head right.

Continue following the path higher and grab the Healing Potions along the way. As you make your way to the left you will reach a room with a number of coffins in it. On top of the left upper corner stack you can grab the Bloody Bone. Head left out of the room and jump onto the ledge above you. Use this ledge to jump up ontop of the room you were just in to find the Blood Shard.

Image showing where to find the Sauna's Gloves armor in Vigil: The Longest Night Cemetery.

Head back to the left and continue on the path until you reach a set of bats hanging off the arch above you. Take out these bats and then jump up to the hole in the arch to your right. Interact with the treasure chest here to get Armor – Sauna’s Gloves. Head back down to the path and continue following the path down until you reach the closed gate. Use the nearby switch to open the gate leading back to the entrance Owl Statue.

Save at the statue then head to the left of the switch to find a hole you can drop down. Go down the hole here to reach a lower section of the Cemetery. When you head left in this area you will trigger a flashback with Gram and the Professor. After the flashback head to the left and speak to Gram. After speaking to Gram you will receive the Ceremonial Blouse. Use the key you got earlier to enter the Catacombs after this interaction.

Thoughts on our Cemetery guide for Vigil: The Longest Night? Drop them in The Pit below.


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