Combat Perks: When You Can Unlock and What They Do – Kingdom Come Deliverance

Kingdom Come Deliverance is a new open world rpg out Warhorse Studios. Like other RPGs, players in Kingdom Come Deliverance can improve their levels and unlock new perks. In this post, we will highlight the Combat perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance and tell you what they do. Before we start, there are five major combat types in in KCD – Defence, Warfare, Axe, Mace, and Sword. Each type has their own unique set of unlockable perks (both Defence and Warfare are universal).


Increases the time you can hold a perfect block or dodge as well as increasing the defence stat of weapons and shields. New perk points unlock at levels: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20.

Immediately available

  • Perfect Block – You’ve learned to fend off the opponent’s blow with a well-timed block. You’ll know exactly when to block from the appearance of a green shield in the middle of th combat rose (this block costs you no stamina). If while executing the Perfect Block, you also hit the Strike button, you’ll execute an immediate riposte. Your opponent can only defend against a riposte by means of a Perfect Block, and you can also use the same defence if the tables are turned. Executing Perfect Blocks and Ripostes demonstrates superior swordsmanship, which can also intimidate less experienced foe.

Minimum Level 4

  • Firm Grip – Blocking an opponent’s strikes with your shield will cost him 15% more stamina.
  • Weapon-Cruncher – If you beat your opponent in a clinch, you’ll damage his weapon 15% more. A damaged weapon will cause much less damage as well as its price being greatly reduced.

Minimum Level 8

  • Golem – Your armour is one third more frightening than usual

Minimum Level 12

  • Knight in Shining Armour – In sunny weather, the glint of our armour will dazzle everyone so much, you’ll be taken for a noble knight and have a +4 Charisma bonus.
  • Well Worn – You’re able to put on your armour so cleverly that it’s real weight is one third lighter than it actually weighs in the inventory.


Total fighting skill with weapons or unarmed. The more skilful a warrior you are, the faster your attacks are and the harder it is for an opponent to defend against them. Also, your weapons will be less damaged by attacking and defending. New perk points unlock at levels: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20.

Immediately available

  • Bailman – You’re able to unhorse opponents.
  • Feint – Unlocks the ability to conduct feints in combat.

Minimum Level 4

  • Bloodletter – You have a greater chance of drawing your opponent’s blood.
  • Rusty Edge – The more damaged your sword, the greater chance of poisoning your opponent when you hit him, even without poison applied to your weapon. If you do have poison on a damaged weapon, the chances of administering it are increased by half.

Minimum Level 8

  • Furious – The less your maximum Stamina, the greater injury you cause.
  • Sadist – When you draw an opponent’s blood, it gives you a +1 Strength bonus.

Minimum Level 12

  • Against All Odds – You’ll have a 20% greater Strength, Agility, Warfare and Defence in a fight where you’re outnumbered.
  • Chain Strike – Each blow in an uninterrupted chain will hurt your opponent more than the previous one. Any interruption will cancel the bonus.


Axe skill makes you more proficient with axes, increasing the power of attacks. New perk points unlock at levels: 7, 14, 20

Minimum Level 8

  • Blunt Strike – Instead of a started strike for the right, strike unexpectedly at the opponent’s face. Turn your weapon around his and strike him quickly with the blunt end. If you have a shield, use its edge for striking. (Rhythm: stab – slash – slash)

Minimum Level 9

  • Fehler: Blinding strike – Attack repeatedly from various sides to confuse the opponent. If you have a shield, cover your final strike behind it. If not, get past the opponent’s cover with a quick strike. (Rhythm: slash – slash – slash – slash)

Minimum Level 14

  • Drei Wunder: Forearm – The ‘third wonder’ of swordfighting is the ‘Schnitt’ or cut, which doesn’t defeat the opponent, but makes it difficult for him to continue fighting. After several feints, slash unexpectedly at the opponent’s forearm. (Rhythm: slash – slash – slash – slash – slash)


Mace skill makes you more proficient with maces, increasing the power of your attacks. New perk points unlock at levels: 7, 14, 20. 

Minimum Level 8

  • Blunt Strike – Instead of a started strike for the right, strike unexpectedly at the opponent’s face. Turn your weapon around his and strike him quickly with the blunt end. If you have a shield, use its edge for striking. (Rhythm: stab – slash – slash)

Minimum Level 9

  • Fehler: Blinding strike – Attack repeatedly from various sides to confuse the opponent. If you have a shield, cover your final strike behind it. If not, get past the opponent’s cover with a quick strike. (Rhythm: slash – slash – slash – slash)

Minimum Level 14

  • Drei Wunder: Forearm – The ‘third wonder’ of swordfighting is the ‘Schnitt’ or cut, which doesn’t defeat the opponent, but makes it difficult for him to continue fighting. After several feints, slash unexpectedly at the opponent’s forearm. (Rhythm: slash – slash – slash – slash – slash)


Sword skill makes you more proficient with swords, increasing the power of your attacks. New perk points unlock at every second level.

Minimum Level 6

  • Zorn ort: Wrath Strike – With a rapid Zornhau from the Ox stand, parry the opponent’s strike to the side from your left shoulder and thrust the point straight to his chest. (Rhythm: slash – slash – slash)

Minimum Level 7

  • Double stab – After a flurry of quick thrusts twist the point forward, guide the opponent’s weapon sideways with twin quick stabs and strike the exposed chest. (Rhythm: slash – slash – stab – stab)

Minimum Level 8

  • Blunt Strike – Instead of a started strike for the right, strike unexpectedly at the opponent’s face. Turn your weapon around his and strike him quickly with the blunt end. If you have a shield, use its edge for striking. (Rhythm: stab – slash – slash)
  • Fehler: Scarmaker – By means of rapid attacks, put the opponent on the defensive, then feint a stab, but instead of carrying it through, execute a Mittlehau around the opponent’s blade straight to the face. (Rhythm: slash – stab – stab)
  • Halbschwert: Half Sword – After deflection a deceptive thrust, don’t pull back, but instead lunge forward, grasp the middle of your blade with your free hand and with the full force of both arms; drive the point into the opponent’s chest.

Minimum Level 9

  • Fehler: Blinding strike – Attack repeatedly from various sides to confuse the opponent. If you have a shield, cover your final strike behind it. If not, get past the opponent’s cover with a quick strike. (Rhythm: slash – slash – slash – slash)

Minimum Level 10

  • Drei Wunder: Wrist – The ‘third wonder’ of swordfighting is a slash that will not defeat your opponent, but will make it difficult for him to continue. After a few misleading strikes, suddenly slash at the wrist (Rhythm: slash – slash – stab – stab)

Minimum Level 12

  • Durchlauffen: Run Through – Pommel strike. Following a feint from the right, you run through the opponent’s defence and strike him with the pommel of the sword. The technique is often used when passing into a clinch. (Rhythm: stab – slash – slash)

Minimum Level 14

Duplieren: Doubling – After several strikes from unexpected sides, evade the opponent’s blade by turning the short edge and striking with a slash to the unguarded face. If executed correctly, a very powerful technique. (Rhythm: slash – slash – slash – slash)

These are the Combat perks you will be able to unlock as you level up your character in Kingdom Come Deliverance. Alongside the Combat Perks, there’s also Main Level Perks that can be unlocked as well. These perks were covered in an earlier post.

More: Kingdom Come Deliverance guides

Which of the Kingdom Come Deliverance Combat perks are you going to unlock? Let me know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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