Conan Unconquered Level Wave List

In Conan Unconquered, players take on the role of a hero who is tasked with defending their kingdom from oncoming waves of enemies. These waves contain different enemies you will need to prepare for. To help you deal with each level’s waves, check out our Conan Unconquered level wave list below. (Guide Updating)

Level 1: Desert Winds

Image showing level 1 Desert Winds in Conan Unconquered.

To complete the Desert Winds mission you need to clear a total of five waves. These five waves consist of the following enemies:

  • Wave 1: 25x Nomad Spearmen.
  • Wave 2: 45x Horde Spiders.
  • Wave 3: 20x Nomad Spearmen, 20x Kush Horsemen.
  • Wave 4: Obscured by sandstorm, but is a mixture of Nomad Spearmen, Nomad Javelineer, and Kush Asshuri totalling 40 units.
  • Wave 5: 22x Nomad Spearmen, 13x Nomad Javelineer, 10x Kush Horseman, 3x Shem Asshuri.

Once you’ve defeated all five of the waves above, you will advance to the next level, Border Outpost.

Level 2: Border Outpost

Image showing level 2 Border Outpost in Conan Unconquered.

To complete the Border mission you need to clear a total of 10 waves. These 10 waves consist of the following enemies:

  • Wave 1: 20x Nomad Spearmen, 5x Nomad Javelineer.
  • Wave 2: 30x Nomad Javelineer.
  • Wave 3: 7x Nomad Spearmen, 33x Kush Horsemen.
  • Wave 4: 19x Nomad Spearmen, 19x Nomad Javelineer, 2x Nomad Fire Javelineer.
  • Wave 5: 25x Nomad Javelineer, 15x Kush Horseman, 2x King Spider.
  • Wave 6: 30x Nomad Spearmen, 17x Stygian Scout, 1x Fire Catapult.
  • Wave 7: 20x Nomad Spearmen, 3x Nomad Fire Javelineer, 19x Kush Horsemen, 18x Stygian Scout.
  • Wave 8: wave attackers obscured by sandstorm.
  • Wave 9: 26x Nomad Spearmen, 21x Nomad Javelineer, 24x Kush Horseman, 19x Stygian Scout, 2x Bat Demon.
  • Wave 10: 22x Nomad Spearmen, 15x Nomade Javelineer, 28x Nomad Fire Javelineer, 10x Kush Horseman, 7x Stygian Scout, 4x Shem Asshuri, 3x Bat Demon, 1x Fire Catapult, 1x Flame Demon.

Upon completion of these 10 waves you will unlock the next mission which is called The Defense of Khoraja.

Level 3: The Defense of Khoraja

Image showing level 3 The Defense of Khoraja in Conan Unconquered.

To complete The Defense of Khoraja mission you need to clear a total of 15 waves. These 15 waves consist of the following enemies:

  • Wave 1: 11x Nomad Spearmen, 9x Nomad Javelineer.
  • Wave 2: 8x Nomad Spearmen, 17x Nomad Javelineer.
  • Wave 3: 5x Nomad Spearmen, 11x Nomad Javelineer, 14x Kush Horsemen.
  • Wave 4: 21x Nomad Spearmen, 14x Stygian Scout, 1x Giant Scorpion.
  • Wave 5: 21x Nomad Spearmen, 12x Nomad Javelineer, 7x Stygian Scout, 2x Stygian Necromancer.
  • Wave 6: 17x Nomad Spearmen, 14x Nomad Javelineer, 8x Kush Horsemen, 13x Stygian Scout, 1x Corpse Catapult.
  • Wave 7: 38x Nomad Javelineer, 22x Stygian Scout, 3x Giant Scorpion.
  • Wave 8: 75x Nomad Spearmen, 3x Stygian Necromancer.
  • Wave 9: 85x Nomad Spearmen, 15x Nomad Javelineer.
  • Wave 10: Wave obscured by sandstorm.
  • Wave 11: 21x Nomad Spearmen, 30x Kush Horsemen, 29x Stygian Scout, 4x Stygian Necromancer.
  • Wave 12: 28x Nomad Spearmen, 30x Nomad Javelineer, 27x Kush Horseman, 15x Stygian Scout, 2x Bat Demon.
  • Wave 13: 31x Nomad Spearmen, 20x Nomad Javelineer, 13x Kush Horseman, 20x Stygian Scout, 4x Bat Demon, 2x Corpse Catapult.
  • Wave 14: 26x Nomad Spearmen, 15x Nomad Javelineer, 20x Kush Horseman, 20x Stygian Scout, 7x Stygian Necromancer, 3x Corpse Catapult.
  • Wave 15: 29x Nomad Spearman, 32x Nomad Javlineer, 12x Kush Horseman, 13x Stygian Scout, 2x Shem Asshuri, 2x Stygian Necromancer, 1x Bat Demon, 1x Giant Scorpion, 3x Corpse Catapult, 1x Giant Snake.

Upon completion of these 15 waves, you will unlock the next level which is the Eastern Approach.

Level 4: Eastern Approach

Image showing level 4 Eastern Approach in Conan Unconquered.

The Eastern Approach level features a total of 20 waves for players to survive. These waves consist largely of human enemies. The 20 waves are made up of the following enemies.

  • Wave 1: 15x Nomad Spearmen.
  • Wave 2: 18x Nomad Javelineer.
  • Wave 3: 11x Nomad Spearmen, 14x Nomad Javelineer, 2x Stygian Necromancer.
  • Wave 4: 1x Giant Scorpion, 2x King Spider, 45x Horde Spider.
  • Wave 5: 13x Nomad Spearmen, 14x Nomad Javelineer, 2x Fire Nomad Javelineer, 2x Stygian Necromancer.
  • Wave 6: 18x Nomad Spearmen, 17x Nomad Javelineer, 3x Shem Asshuri.
  • Wave 7: 30x Kush Horseman, 25x Stygian Scout.
  • Wave 8: Wave attackers obscured by sandstorm.
  • Wave 9: 11x Nomad Spearmen, 20x Nomad Javelineer, 6x Kush Horseman, 18x Stygian Scout, 2x Bat Demon.
  • Wave 10: 25x Nomad Spearmen, 14x Nomade Javelineer, 25x Kush Horseman, 1x Catapult.
  • Wave 11: 61x Nomad Spearmen, 4x Nomad Fire Javelineer, 4x Shem Asshuri.
  • Wave 12: 19x Nomad Spearmen, 20x Nomad Javelineer, 15x Kush Horseman, 13x Stygian Scout, 2x Stygian Necromancer, 2x Giant Scorpion, 1x Corpse Catapult.
  • Wave 13: 85x Kush Horseman, 3x Bat Demon.
  • Wave 14: 42x Nomad Spearmen, 31x Nomad Javelineer, 29x Stygian Scout, 1x Catapult.
  • Wave 15: 36x Nomad Spearman, 34x Nomad Javlineer, 2x Stygian Necromancer, 4x Giant Scorpion, 1x Giant Snake.
  • Wave 16: Wave obscured by sandstorm.
  • Wave 17: 55x Nomad Spearman, 37x Nomad Javlineer, 4x Nomad Fire Javalineer, 2x Shem Asshuri, 2x Stygian Necromancer, 1x Catapult, 1x Fire Catapult, 1x Corpse Catapult.
  • Wave 18: 33x Nomad Spearman, 11x Nomad Javlineer, 4x Nomad Fire Javalineer, 8x Shem Asshuri, 1x Giant Snake.
  • Wave 19: 34x Nomad Spearman, 25x Nomad Javlineer, 4x Nomad Fire Javalineer, 18x Kush Horseman, 18x Stygian Scout, 8x Shem Asshuri, 1x Giant Snake.
  • Wave 20: 37x Nomad Spearman, 36x Nomad Javlineer, 4x Nomad Fire Javalineer, 33x Kush Horseman, 2x Shem Asshuri, 4x Stygian Necromancer, 4x Giant Scorpion, 1x Catapult, 1x Fire Catapult, 1x Corpse Catapult, 1x Prince Katamun.

If you manage to survive all 20 waves, you will unlock the fifth and final level.

Thoughts on our Conan Unconquered wave list? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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