Cuphead Boss List

Inkwell Isle II (5 bosses)

  • Baroness Von Bon Bon
  • Beppi The Clown
  • Djimmi The Great
  • Grim Matchstick
  • Wally Warbles

If you thought Inkwell Isle I was difficult, you are in for a nice treat. Cuphead really ramps up the difficulty with these 5 bosses you need to defeat in order to progress. Defeating all 5 bosses also nets you the A Day at the Fair achievement.

Baroness Von Bon Bon

Difficulty: Medium

Location: As soon as you enter the Fair (Inkwell Isle II), you will see what looks to be a candy castle to the north (upper area of the screen). Here you will find Baroness Von Bon Bon.

Phase 1 (Minion Phase): In the first phase of the Baroness Von Bon Bon fight, you will face off against three different minions. From what I can tell, there are five possible spawns in the minion pool and you will only fight three of them (thus keeping some randomness to the battle). The possible minions are:

  • Bobby Bulk: The gumball machine runs from side to side and will stop intermittently to spit gumballs out of its head.
  • Cherrybomb Chuck: The cupcake jumps from side to side and sends out icing shockwaves when it lands.
  • Will E. Gobston: The jawbreaker is followed by a smaller jawbreaker and follows your movement pattern.
  • Krunchy Cornell: moves both vertically and horizontally through the level and sends out smaller candy corn.
  • Sir Waffington III: The waffle flies around and will stop intermittently to break apart (sends pieces flying in all directions). The pieces return to the waffle.

During phase 1, you fight each minion one by one. After killing one minion, another will be summoned to fight. Once three minions are killed the next phase of the fight triggers.

Phase 2 (Baroness Von Bon Bon & Castle): Phase 2 of this fight turns into a side scrolling runner. You will need to run to the left during this phase while also dealing damage. If you stop, you can be crushed by the castle. During this phase, you only need to worry about two attacks. The first attack sees BVBB throw her head which will track your movement. The second attack sees the castle send out a giant rolling candy (use the platform to avoid). Dealing enough damage to phase 2 ends the fight.

Beppi The Clown

Difficulty: Medium

Location: From the Fair entrance head to the bottom right of your screen. You will see a broken down roller coaster. Interact with the rollercoaster to fight Beppi.

Beppi The Clown utilizes roller coasters in an annoying way throughout your fight. He is also somewhat annoying because of the number of phases you need to fight your way through. In total there are four phases to this boss fight.

Phase 1 (Normal Beppi): In the first phase, Beppi will be inside a car driving. The two things to watch out for in this phase are when he drives across the screen and the duck targets with lightbulbs (they damage you) above you. Keep your distance and get some damage in. Eventually you will trigger the next phase which is probably the easiest part of this fight.

Phase 2 (Balloon Beppi): In Phase 2 Beppi becomes a large balloon version of himself. During this phase he summons balloon dogs to attack you while you stand on the tracks. Watch out for the rollercoaster in the background to have a general idea of when it is coming (you need to jump inside and cross the coaster). Focus Beppi when you have lulls in the action. Eventually you will trigger Phase 3.

Phase 3 (Horse Beppi): like phase 2, phase 3 keeps the roller coaster hazard, but instead of a balloon, Beppi becomes a horse from a carousel. In this form, Beppi really only has one attack. He will summon a bunch of horseshoes along the screen which fall down. These need to be avoid while making your way across the rollercoaster that will appear. In this phase, try to stay under Beppi as much as possible to deliver the most damage.

Phase 4 (Strange Beppi): After completing phase 3, you will arrive at the final stage. Beppi becomes a huge, strange creature in the center of the screen. He will summon floating platforms you need to jump onto. Once on the platforms, Beppi will summon minions that will throw baseballs around the screen (these baseballs need to be avoided). Focus on Beppi and kill him to complete the fight.

Djimmi The Great

Difficulty: Medium

Location: Inside the pyramid shaped building to the rightish of Baroness Von Bon Bon’s castle.

Phase 1 (Djimmi): In the first phase of the Djimmi fight always send his skull out to the left (takes up middle screen). Alongside this Djimmi has three possible attacks:

  • Swords: Djimmi summons a chest that sends out a number of swords.
  • Cats: summons a cat urn. Out of this urn comes a number seeking cats which damage you.
  • Treasure: Summons a chest that spits out treasure in a number of random directions.

Completing one of the attack sequences will trigger phase 2.

Phase 2 (Side Scrolling): In this phase you don’t need to worry about enemies per se. What you need to do here is complete a short side scrolling portion. Completing this phase requires shooting holes in pillars (aim for the sections with Djimmi’s face). Avoid the flying blades and you are good. Completing this section triggers phase 3.

Phase 3 (Djimmi Sarcophagus): Once through the side scrolling portion, Djimmi will return in the form of a sarcophagus. The sarcophagus opens to reveal a snail looking creature. The creature is the area you need to damage. There are only two attacks you need to beware. The first is the ghosts minions that spawn and move across the screen and the second is when Djimmi sends his eyes out.

Phase 4 (Puppet + hat): In phase 4, Djimmi makes a puppet of you. This puppet has a peashooter shot like you character which he shoots off intermittently. Alongside the puppet is a floating genie hat. This hat also deals damage and does this by sending out a number pellets around it. Damage the puppet to beat this phase

Phase 5 (Djimmi head): In the last phase, Djimmi is just a large head. Djimmi summons a three pyramids at the start of this phase. The pyramids rotate around Cuphead and will shoot out lasers cutting off both vertical and horizontal directions (one with eyes open will do it). Djimmi will shoot out the odd shockwave towards you as well.


Grim Matchstick

Difficulty: Hard

Location: After beating Beppi The Clown, you will gain access to deeper into the Fair. Here you will find Grim Matchstick’s tower.

Grim Matchstick will more then likely be a pain. The last phase appears to be especially troublesome for many players. With that being said, once you realize the phases, this fight becomes way more manageable.

Phase 1: The first phase of the Grim Matchstick fight involves Grim being on the right side of the screen. As you fight, you will need to move from cloud to cloud to avoid being pushed by the screen. In this form, Grim has three attacks:

  • Rings: Grim opens the fight by firing sets of 3 rings at you. The last ring in these sets can be parried. Once this cycle is complete, he will transition to his next attack cycle.
  • Tail + Boulders: This attack cycle features two parts. The first is that Grim will shoot a flaming boulder out of his mouth. The second is that Grim’s tail will appear to block off the entire left side of the screen. These two attacks are combined to make movement especially difficult. After a few sequences, Grim will start to shoot two boulders at a time. After enough damage, Grim will fly away to phase 3.

Phase 2: In phase 2, Grim doesn’t attack you directly. It flies to the lower left portion of the screen and sticks its tongue. On its tongue will march fireballs. These fireballs will jump towards at random (listen for audio cue). You need to platform and deal damage while also avoiding the jumping fireballs.

Phase 3: phase 3 is probably where you will die the most. In this phase, Grim will sit in the left middle of the screen. Here the three heads will shoot out flaming orbs which burst open if shot (spread in a cross pattern). While being shot at, you need to platform to the right while also dealing damage. Eventually, Grim’s middle head will transform into a flamethrower. When this happens, you need to be on an upper cloud or else you will take damage. You will need to complete the cycle (flaming orbs + flamethrower) a few times before the fight will be complete.

Wally Warbles

Difficulty: Hard

Location: A shortcut will open after beating Baroness Von Bon Bon which leads to a Birdhouse.

Like Grim, Wally Warbles is a bit of a pain to fight. This is a airplane centric level, which means you need to be on your toes throughout the entire fight. Like Grim, Wally features a number of phases you will need to complete to finish the fight.

Phase 1 (Birdhouse): In birdhouse form, Wally will send out eggs, feathers and shoot bullets. This happens while bird enemies fly from right to left across the screen. Dealing enough damage in this form triggers phase 2.

Phase 2 (Angry Birdhouse): In the angry birdhouse form, Wally has a single attack. This attack sees feathers shoot out and must be avoided. While this is happening, you need to continue to avoid the bird spawns.

Phase 3 (Small Wally): After phase 2, Wally will transform into small Wally form. In this form, Wally has a five egg orbital ring that serves as both protection and damage. In this phase, Wally flies around while the orbital eggs increase their distance around him (they return to him). While this is happening, Wally will shoot at you with a laser gun (can be parried).

Phase 4 (Dying Wally): In the final phase, Wally appears on a stretcher being carried by two birds. In this phase you need to focus on dodging. Both the nurse birds will spit up pills which split and bounce in different directions. Wally also spits up garbage which needs to be dodged as well. Eventually, Wally will spit up his heart which can be damaged. Complete the cycle a couple of times to finish this boss fight.

Check out our Cuphead guide

Our Cuphead boss list is continues on the next page. Let me know if I made a mistake in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

14 responses

  1. Diamond says:

    umm I didn’t see it yet.

  2. holypotato says:

    moe tato shoots worms not snkes!

    -i know the irone with my name fellas

  3. holypotato says:

    moe tato shoots worms not snakes!

  4. brayden says:

    I want to beat the game pls help me

  5. brayden says:

    do you guys know all of the bosses I do because I want to beat them

  6. brayden says:

    I want to beat the BOOOOOOOOOOOSES

  7. brayden says:

    I wish I could beat the game

  8. Anomyous says:

    ACTUALLY, horse beppi has tho attacks!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    On Moe Tato if you stay in the bottom right corner you can avoid all attacks, I believe.

  10. Honk the Helpful says:

    Okay, here I go: Ribby and Croaks* the tall one is Croaks, heavy is Ribby, root pack is: Moe Tato, Weepy And Psycarrot, Gobstopper is Will E. Gobston, candy corn is Krunchy Cornell, cupcake is Cherrybomb Chuck, gumball machine is Bobby Bulk and waffle is Sir Waffington III. You put baron Von BON Bon once, baroness. Small wally is his son. Phantom express bosses as you may think: the Blind Specter, T-bone, Blaze Brothers And head of train. King dice bosses: 1: Tipsy Troop 2: Chips Bettigan 3: Mr. Wheezy 4: Pip and Dot 5: Hopus Pocus 6: Phear Lap 7: Pirouletta 8: Mangosteen 9: Mr. Chimes, fun fact, two other king dice bosses were cut, Light and Pachinko. Other cut bosses are: Betty Beet from root pack -a beetroot replaced by Weepy the onion-, Second goopy le grande, M.Fang -old bat devil-, Jelly the octopus from a cut zeppelin level, Giant spider from the same removed level and a shadow that could just be chandelier! Thank you and here is a link for more cut content: !

  11. Siem says:

    Bro. If you use your drop bombs in the last stage of the Wally Warbles- fight, you don’t even need to shoot the heart. To me, after Baroness von Bon Bon, this was the easiest fight.

  12. Josh says:

    Wow. Thanks for doing this guys. This list helped me a lot.

  13. Jimmy says:

    Holy crap. Do you not pay any attention to the context of the boss fights? It’s not an homage to Anime.

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