Cuphead Boss List

Inkwell Isle III (7 Bosses)

  • Rumor Honeybottoms
  • Captain Brineybeard
  • Sally Stageplay
  • Werner Werman
  • Dr. Kahl’s Robot
  • Cala Maria
  • Phantom Express

Defeating all 7 bosses in Inkwell Isle III unlocks the A Trip Downtown achievement.

Rumor Honeybottoms

Difficulty: Hard

Location: As soon as you enter World 3, you will see a golden skyscraper. This is where you will find Rumor Honeybottoms.

Rumor Honeybottoms is a vertical scrolling boss fight which means you will need to platform while fighting (hooray). Falling into the honey floor will damage you, so use the platforms wisely!

Phase 1 (Beesiness Man + Polbeece Officer): When you start the fight with Rumor Honeybottoms, you won’t actually fight RHB right away. Instead there is one main minion and minions that will spawn. The main minion here is the Polbeece Office (not actual name, but I thought it was funny). The Polbeece Office flies in a diagonal pattern and summons a ball that shoots crystal after a brief delay. All you need to do here is avoid the ball and the Polbeece Office while dealing damage. While this is happening, the Beesiness Man will spawn over and over again. This minion is simply an environmental hazard. Avoid it. Kill the Polbeece Officer to trigger phase 2.

Phase 2 (RH): In phase 2 we start to fight RH. In this phase, RH can do a number of things but they all mainly involve her coming from the top of the screen to attack. Her attacks are:

  • Sides – If RH comes down a side of the screen (left or right), she either spawns a floating ethereal triangle which shoot from its corners, or spawns two pink balls which float around the level (can be parried)
  • Middle – If RH comes down the middle of the screen, she will drop her head towards the low middle platforms (if you stand here you take damage). Once in position, RH spawns bullets on both the left and right sides of the screen which move up the platforms in a zigzag pattern.

Phase 3 (Airplane): Once RH takes enough damage in phase 2, she will read a book and transform into an airplane. In this form, RH sits in the bottom of the screen. From here she will launch a few attacks:

  • Fists: RH shoots out fists which travel around the level. These need to be dodged to avoid damage
  • Blades: If you hang out on a specific side, RH will use her blade attack. This attack can come from either the left or right side and requires travelling to the opposite side of the level to avoid.

Captain Brineybeard

Difficulty: Hard

Location: Head past Rumor Honeybottoms’ boss level and make you way along the beach. You will see a ship docked. Here you will find Captain Brineybeard.

Captain Brineybeard is one of the harder bosses to fight in Cuphead (imo), as there is a ton going on onscreen to keep track of. Each phase of the fight essentially builds on the previous stage. There are a number of summons he uses which makes this fight easy to lose if you don’t remember what each does.

Phase 1: When you begin the fight, you only need to worry about two things. The barrel and Captain Brineybeard. In phase 1, the barrel will try to crush you (has a cooldown) and Brineybeard will use the sea creature to shoot pellets at you (some are parryable). In this phase you want to shoot Brineybeard to deal damage.

Phase 2 (summons): Once you do enough damage to Brineybeard, he will start summoning helpers. There are three posssible summons Brineybeard can call (Brineybeard puts leg up and whilsts to indicate a summon):

  • Shark: the shark summon is indicated by the shark swimming in the background. When called, the shark will jump about halfway onto the dock in an attempt to eat you.
  • Piranhas: the piranha summon is indicated by a submarine periscope beside the boat (right side of dock). Piranhas jump onto the dock and make their way left if not killed. The piranhas bounce across the dock.
  • Squid: the squid is the easiest of all summons, as it doesn’t deal damage, but simply inks your screen. The squid appears in the middle of the dock.

Phase 3 (boat gets involved): In phase 3, everything from phases 1 + 2 continues to happen, but now the boat shoots a cannonball at you every few seconds (cannonball is shot at dock level and travels to the left). Boat starts to sweat when nearing phase 4.

Phase 4 (boat + barrell): In phase 4, you only have to worry about avoiding the boat and the barrel. Unfortunately the boat in this form is rather hard hitting and likes to combo. In boat form, you want to aim for the uvula (thing that hangs down in  its mouth). The boat shoots out fire orbs (same as Grim) and will follow that up with a giant laser beam (crouch this ish). Killing the boat ends the fight!

Sally Stageplay

Difficulty: Hard

Location: Theatre in World 3. Accessible by beating either RH (and using the secret path behind Dr. Kahl’s, or beating Cala Maria).

Sally Stageplay appears to be rather hard, but is pretty much countered by using the dash charm. The big thing here is to know where you are at all times to avoid hitting the random traps she likes to lay around.

Phase 1: In phase 1, Sally Stageplay is incredibly mobile. Like more mobile then we have seen up to this point. Her major moves in this phase are a jump dive, teleportation, a floating heart summon, and a fan that serves as a trap.

Phase 2: In phase 2, we switch scenes and Sally’s attacks change as well. In this phase, Sally uses her fan trap and jump attack. She also will use her umbrella to call in rat toys which move across the level’s floor; then onto the ceiling; then back to the floor. Hitting a rat deals one damage. While this is happening, a baby in the house behind you will drop bottles out of the open windows.

Phase 3: phase 3 sees all new attacks. This time Sally summons in various props to attack you. There are multiple props she will call in including:

  • Meteor: large rock that falls on the right side of the stage. Sits there taking up space if you don’t kill it.
  • Lightning: when lightning gets called down, multiple bolts rain down on you from the top of the screen.
  • Big Wave: Comes from the screen opposite of you. Cannot be damaged and must be dashed through, or jumped over (with the help of the meteor’s pink star)

Phase 4: In phase 4, Sally heads to the top of the screen and moves from left to right. She will drop roses down onto you during this phase. While Sally is doing this, her umbrella will be on the floor chasing you.


Werner Werman

Difficulty: Medium

Location: Shed by the shop (head to the shop and take a left; walk until you reach a closed road). Must have beaten Captain Brineybeard.

Werner Werman is one of my favorite boss fights in Cuphead, because of the art. Anyways this boss fight isn’t very difficult to complete, so let’s get to it.

Phase 1: When the fight starts, Werner is in a soup can tank. In this phase, Werner has a number of attacks:

  • Bombs: Werner shoots bombs at you. These bombs have splash damage on hitting the ground
  • Trash Catapult: Werner shoots trash at you. This trash travels in a wide arc. Look for the parryable trash.
  • Charge: In some cases, Werner may charge you. This is foretold by some convenient bounce pads that appear in the level. Use the pads on the floor to jump over the charging Werner (parry them).

Phase 2: In phase 2, Werner blows his tank apart and uses a flamethrower to attack. The level now features a higher platform (use the platform to avoid the flamethrower). While this is happening, bottlecaps spin on the sides of the level like mini saw blades. Watch for the blades and position yourself accordingly to avoid them.

Phase 3 (cat): When Werner gets defeated in phase 2, a cat eats him. This starts phase 3. The cat in phase 3 features a number of attacks it may use on you:

  • Paw: The cat will attempt to swat you. It stretches its paw down either from the left or right side of the screen. Head to the opposite side of the screen to avoid. While the cat is pawing, the ceiling tiles fall.
  • Ghost Mice: The cat will summon in some ghost mice. These ghost mice will summon balls to shoot at you.

Dr. Kahl’s Robot

Difficulty: Hard

Location: Beat RH and head through the open door to the shed, or unlock access to the theatre and walk through the secret pathway.

Dr. Kahl’s was one of my least favorite fights in Cuphead as the first phase is a pain. With that being said, when you realize that the middle attack is parryable, the fight becomes much more manageable.

Phase 1 (giant robot): phase 1 sees the robot take an Iron Giant form. In this form there are three areas you can damage the boss: antenna on head, chest, and groin. These areas are where the robots attacks come from and trigger new attacks when destroyed. Let’s look at the first set of attacks:

  • Antenna (Charge Laser): the antenna has a charge laser attack. This attack will attack where you’ve been and can cut off movement as it fills the whole screen.
  • Chest (laser barrel): the chest will shoot out a barrel which has lasers going to the top and bottom of the screen. These barrels are parryable.
  • Groin (zigzag missiles): the groin shoots out missiles which move in a zigzag pattern from the bottom to the top of the screen.

When you destroy an area, a new attack starts:

  • Antenna (nuts + bolts): destroying the antenna triggers the nuts and bolts attack. This attack sees an arc of nuts and bolts shot out of the robots head towards you.
  • Chest (robot arms): destroying the chest area triggers the arms attack. Basically a pair of robot arms makes there way from the left of the screen to the vertical middle of the screen. When the arms leave the screen, they shoot orbs out.
  • Groin (seeking missiles): destroying the groin triggers the seeking missiles. These missiles will follow you around the screen if not destroyed.

When all three areas are destroyed, the robots heart will appear out of its chest. The above attacks will continue until you destroy the heart and trigger the next phase.

Phase 2 (robot head): in phase 2, the robot’s head will fly on and off the screen while seeking missiles attempt to hit you. Hit the head when it is on screen to reach phase 3.

Phase 3 (Dr. Kahl): during phase 3, Dr. Kahl flies around in the robot’s head Bowser style. This sequence is simply a side scroller/avoid shots and the environment while dealing damage phase.

Cala Maria

Difficulty: Hard

Location: Continue along the shoreline where you fought Captain Brinebeybeard to find a broken sail and Cala Maria’s boss fight.

Cala Maria is a fun fight as the character design is really interesting. With that being said, the fight itself is a bit of a pain as the last two phases involves a stone mechanic which will probably kill you a few times.

Phase 1 (Cala and fishes): In phase 1 of this fight, Cala summons a number of helpers to deal damage against you. This summons will either make there way to the middle of screen or take the form of fish Cala holds. Here are the various enemies you will face in phase 1:

  • Yellow fish: shoots out a homing electrified fish.
  • Orange fish: shoots out a fan of flaming fish.
  • Turtle: will appear along the bottom of the screen. It will shout out a spiked cannonball that breaks apart into black pellets that fire in a number of different directions. .
  • Horse: like the turtle, the horse appears along the bottom of the screen. The horses attack will not damage you, but makes your movement harder (basically hydro pumps you).

While these enemies are being summoned by Cala, she will also either shoot ghosts out of her mouth or call in a number of puffer fish from offscreen (rise from bottom of the screen to the top).

Phase 2 (Cala and electric eels): Once you deal enough damage in phase 1, Cala will get bitten by some electric eels. This marks the transition to the next phase. In this phase, Cala can turn you into stone which makes dodging impossible (need to wiggle left stick to break out). This attack is pretty much unavoidable. Alongside this attack, the eels at Cala’s feet will shoot out pellets at you. The combination of limited movement and a ton of pellets make this phase a pain.

Phase 3 (Cala head): Once done with phase 2, Cala will become a floating head. You will need to follow Cala as she enters a small tunnel. Inside the tunnel is a number of obstacles to avoid. While this is happening, Cala will attempt to turn you into stone with what looks like a green ghost shout. She will also shot out small skull orbs. Avoid these attacks and deal damage to finish the fight.

Phantom Express

Difficulty: Hard

Location: Beat Sally Stageplay in the theatre to access this fight.

The Phantom Express is the last boss before the last two major boss fights in Cuphead. This boss is a fun, four phase battle. Before listing the phases, I need to state a major part of the fight. Throughout this entire fight, you ride on a platform/train cart. On this platform are two pink handles. These handles determine the carts positions. Parrying the handle will move you in the direction you want. This mechanic is further complicated by some flying pumpkins which will spawn through the first 3 phases of the fight. These pumpkins carry pink bricks which they attempt to drop on the handles (which moves the cart). Keep this mechanic in mind while you fight.

Phase 1 (the Blind Specter): The first phase of this boss fight features a blue, one eyed ghost. The ghost shoots waves of eyeballs at you. These eyeballs can be shot. Defeating the ghost in this phase moves the cart onto phase 2.

Phase 2 (T-bone): In the next phase, a large skeleton will punch through the train carts. This skeleton has two arms and a head. Only the head can be damaged. The head will appear out of one of three holes, with the arms filling the other two. The arms will attempt to smash you.

Phase 3 (Blaze Brothers): After defeating the skeleton, you will move further along the train. The next phase features two heads. These heads are in the far left car and the far right car. The middle car shoots out ghosts that track you. The heads in phase 3 only have one attack which is a sweeping flame. This attack moves either left to right or right to left depending on the head using it.

Phase 4 (Head of Train): After beating the two heads, you will arrive at the front of the train. Here you will fight a runaway locomotive. This is the last phase of the fight and is also the hardest. In this phase, you need to parry the locomotive’s tail to reveal the heart. This is where you need to attack. While this is happening, the locomotive will shoot out flames that drop onto the platform and a flaming hoop that boomerangs around the screen.

Check out our Cuphead guide

Our Cuphead boss list is continues on the next page. Let me know if I made a mistake in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

14 responses

  1. Diamond says:

    umm I didn’t see it yet.

  2. holypotato says:

    moe tato shoots worms not snkes!

    -i know the irone with my name fellas

  3. holypotato says:

    moe tato shoots worms not snakes!

  4. brayden says:

    I want to beat the game pls help me

  5. brayden says:

    do you guys know all of the bosses I do because I want to beat them

  6. brayden says:

    I want to beat the BOOOOOOOOOOOSES

  7. brayden says:

    I wish I could beat the game

  8. Anomyous says:

    ACTUALLY, horse beppi has tho attacks!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    On Moe Tato if you stay in the bottom right corner you can avoid all attacks, I believe.

  10. Honk the Helpful says:

    Okay, here I go: Ribby and Croaks* the tall one is Croaks, heavy is Ribby, root pack is: Moe Tato, Weepy And Psycarrot, Gobstopper is Will E. Gobston, candy corn is Krunchy Cornell, cupcake is Cherrybomb Chuck, gumball machine is Bobby Bulk and waffle is Sir Waffington III. You put baron Von BON Bon once, baroness. Small wally is his son. Phantom express bosses as you may think: the Blind Specter, T-bone, Blaze Brothers And head of train. King dice bosses: 1: Tipsy Troop 2: Chips Bettigan 3: Mr. Wheezy 4: Pip and Dot 5: Hopus Pocus 6: Phear Lap 7: Pirouletta 8: Mangosteen 9: Mr. Chimes, fun fact, two other king dice bosses were cut, Light and Pachinko. Other cut bosses are: Betty Beet from root pack -a beetroot replaced by Weepy the onion-, Second goopy le grande, M.Fang -old bat devil-, Jelly the octopus from a cut zeppelin level, Giant spider from the same removed level and a shadow that could just be chandelier! Thank you and here is a link for more cut content: !

  11. Siem says:

    Bro. If you use your drop bombs in the last stage of the Wally Warbles- fight, you don’t even need to shoot the heart. To me, after Baroness von Bon Bon, this was the easiest fight.

  12. Josh says:

    Wow. Thanks for doing this guys. This list helped me a lot.

  13. Jimmy says:

    Holy crap. Do you not pay any attention to the context of the boss fights? It’s not an homage to Anime.

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