Dark Souls 2: Top Ten Weapons

5. Smelter Hammer

Dark Souls 2 Weapons


Easily the largest and most absurd weapon in the game is the Smelter Hammer. Kindly referred to as the “drumstick” the weapon looks incredibly primitive. Described as a  “Weapon wielded by the iron warriors that wander Brume Tower. Appears to have once been an axe, but in this terribly melted state it is little more than a great lump that crushes its foes by virtue of its sheer weight.” The  weapon has a heft to it that is unparalleled. Easily one of the more satisfying weapons of the series. While not much to look at the weapon basically allows for a person to go full on Bam Bam on any enemy.

4. Curved Nil Greatsword

Dark Souls 2 Weapons

Marathon man

Another DLC weapon I absolutely love is the Nil Greatsword. The sword has a unique move set that is different from other curved greatswords.  While the sword design is pretty great, I absolutely love the game mechanic behind this blade.  Described in game as, “A great curved sword with an Ominous blade. One of the forbidden weapons sealed away by the Ivory King.Formed by Rock, Tree, and the remnants of a most peculiar soul. It is said the farther the wielder travels, the deadlier the blade becomes.” Basically what this means is that the weapon gains in attack rating for each play through the player completes(up to NG+9). Really cool and interesting mechanic and has quickly become my go to weapon.

3. Greatsword

Dark Souls 2 Weapons

Final Fantasy anyone?

Now that we are in the top three, things are getting really hard. My top three could easily be interchangeable and speaks to the talent of FromSoftware’s designers. Coming in at third is the Greatsword. I can already hear the groans in protest. This weapon just looks so good. I absolutely love the design of the weapon. I also firmly believe that these this sword is the best looking duel wielding set, period. Just the description alone gets me going,  “A straight sword with a very long blade. One of few ultra greatswords. No human was intended to wield a sword of this weight or destructiveness. Only a few famed warriors have ever wielded this great blade, for it challenges the very limits of human ability.” The idea of walking around with a sword that requires super human strength to wield is awesome. Dual wield them and I am done.

2. King’s Ultra Greatsword

Dark Souls 2 Weapons

Das boot

Now things get really hard. The top two was incredibly hard to determine. Both weapons are incredible. With that being said. I feel rather comfortable putting KUG at number 2. This weapon is incredible. Carved out of what looks like some form of wood. This weapon, is said to depict the image of the queen, and “Only the king knows whether the depiction of the Queen is a resentful mockery, or an affectionate exaltation.”  There is also a nice built in perk to the weapon, which is armor penetration, “An ultra greatsword forged from the soul of King Vendrick. Inflicts heavy damage on enemy armor.” The means of acquiring the blade is both sad and interesting. King Vendrick can be found within the Undead Crypt, aimless walking. Here what once was a great King, has succumb to hollowing. Here the player can choose to fight, or leave the King alone. It really is a sad moment, but choosing to fight ultimately nets the player a killer greatsword. 

1.Fume Ultra Greatsword

Dark Souls 2 Weapons

I love the smell of bacon in the morning

Yes! Yet another greatsword. The KUG was my go to for the vanilla base game… Until the Crown of the Ivory King DLC came out. One of the most enjoyable fights I have ever experienced in the Souls series has to be Fume Knight.  Locked away in an icey tomb, the knight guards the Crown of the Ivory King. What made the fight fun, was purely the level of difficulty. It took me multiple runs to finally fell the knight, but doing so was an incredible rush. I was rewarded with this sword. Looking like a piece of burnt bacon, I immediately decided I needed to run a dual wield build with this blade, so I quickly started a new game. I love everything about this weapon. The design, moveset, faint aura, backstory and on and on. This makes the FUG my favorite weapon of DS2.

For more Dark Souls 3 content go here

What are some of your favorite weapons? Let me know in the pit below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. FilmApe says:

    Size queens can smell your weapons a mile away.

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