Dark Souls: Top Ten Weapons


5. Washing Pole

Dark Souls

The only weapon you will find on both my DkS and DkS top ten lists is the Washing Pole. Katana’s are interesting weapons and the Washing Pole takes things to a whole new level. The weapon is absurdly long, giving the player much needed reach. Design wise the blade is okay looking. I just love how long it is

4. Smough’s Hammer

Dark Souls

Yet another absurdly large weapon makes the list. This is my number four for two reasons. The first is just how insanely hard the Smough & Ornstein fight is. I can definitely concede that this was the hardest fight I ever experienced within the Soul’s series. Fighting different styles (O being fast, S being more slow but hard hitting) threw a whole different level of strategy into the game. The second reason I put the hammer at four, is the design. I love the over-sized nature of the weapon. Just the idea of wielding a hammer that probably weighs more then the character is epic.

3. Moonlight Greatsword

Dark Souls

Arguably one of the most well known weapons of the souls series if the Moonlight Greatsword. The sword was actually carried over to Dark Souls 2, but I definitely prefer the DkS variant more. The sword in DkS is much more muted in color, giving off a very faint green tinge as opposed to the full on green we saw in DkS 2.  As a greatsword, it has a very clean design and looks good with the gold accents.

2. Gravelord’s Sword

Dark Souls

I personally feel the Gravelord’s Sword is pretty Nito… Yeah, I went there. Anyways I love the sword design. From the hilt to the blade itself, the sword definitely embodies being a Gravelord Servant. Nothing says being the eternal servant of a gravelord quite like a sword made of bones.

1. Quelaag’s Furysword

Dark Souls

Finally we’ve made it to the end of the list. Number one has to be Quelaag’s Furysword. This sword holds heavy sentimental value to me as it was the first ‘boss’ weapon I ever crafted. Running a pyromancer build, this sword perfectly complimented my play style. Fire + Fire = more Fire. The boss fight is a serious trek, taking you to the bottom of the world and then putting you in a poison inflicting hell. Design wise, the sword looks like a spider’s leg and I like that.

For more Dark Souls 3 content go here

What is your top ten? Let me know in the pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

2 responses

  1. FilmApe says:

    A Drake gif…HTR is going too mainstream. Also, Hulk gloves not popular anymore? #OutOfTouch #Truth #WereNotInAMotelRoom #PitBoss

  2. Thokozani says:

    I appreciated the Drake gif but felt you missed the opportunity to use this one…http://imgur.com/FcToWpT

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