Darksiders Genesis: Where to Find the Chapter 1 Trickster Key

In Darksiders Genesis there are a number of collectibles for players to find in each of the areas they explore. These collectibles range from currencies and power-ups to keys. One of the keys you will be able to collect is called the Trickster Key. In the Fortress Path area of Chapter 1: Dethroned there is a Trickster Key to collect. Below I will show you where to find the Chapter 1 Trickster Key.

Trickster Key Fortress Map Location

Image showing the location of the Trickster Key in the Fortress Path.

The Trickster Key for this chapter is located near the end of the level in the Fortress Path. You will have the Trickster Key marked on your map if you collected the Treasure Map for this area. If not I’ve marked the location on the map above. Check it to find the general location.

Trickster Key in Fortress Path Location

Image showing the location of the Trickster Key in Fortress Path on Chapter 1.

To get the Trickster Key in this area you need to make your way to Fortress Path and head straight until your reach a cliff with some wood on it. Walk out onto the wood and follow it to reach the Trickster Key. Note it is very easy to fall off here so take your time.

That’s all you need to know about where to find the Fortress Path Trickster Key in Chapter 1 of Darksiders Genesis. Keep is locked to HTR for all of your Darksiders Genesis needs over the coming days.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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