Days Gone Where to Find Boozer

In Days Gone you and Boozer go through a number of dramatic moments during the story. While Deacon maintains a cool head through most of it, Boozer struggles with losing his arm and losing his purpose. As you progress the Surviving Isn’t Living storyline, Boozer will spiral out of control. You will need to find him. Here’s where to find Boozer in Days Gone.

Note: you start the questline at Iron Mike’s then make your way to Iron Mike’s farm. From here you will go north to an old abandoned farm. This is where the guide will start.

Clue 1: Bottle By Sofa in House

Clue 1 Bottle By Sofa in House

The first clue for tracking Boozer is located inside the farm house in the living room. Check beside the couch for an empty bottle. Interact with it to see Boozer drunkenly stumble out of the house. When you follow you will be greeted by a Screamer who will attract a number of zombies. Take them out.

Clue 2: Bottle On Bridge

Clue 2 Bottle On Bridge

The next clue is located on the bridge heading away from the old farm. Interact with the bottle on the bridge to see Boozer stumble towards the next farm. To get to the farm you need to ride your bike there. Jump on and head to the next farm.

Clue 3: Bottle in Barn

Clue 3 Bottle in Barn

Go inside the old Barn and look for a bottle on the left side. Interact with the bottle to see Boozer stumble into the house. Follow the steps inside the house.

Clue 4: Bottle on Bed

Clue 4 Bottle on Bed

The next clue is upstairs on a bed in a bedroom. There is a bottle here. Interact with the bottle then head out to your bike. Get on the bike and follow the road that would take you to O’Leary’s. Along the road are the final clues.

Clues 5&6: Bottles on Road

Clues 5&6 Bottles on Road
Days Gone Where to Find Boozer

The last clues are on the roadway. Look for two bottles close beside one another and interact with them. Follow the road until you see Boozer standing beside a large truck. This will trigger a cutscene. Take Boozer back to Iron Mike’s to end the mission.

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