Death’s Gambit Guide

After you’ve defeated Forgotten Gaian, make your way back to Sanctuary. The next place we want to head is located right of the broken tower in the center of Sanctuary. As you leave there will be enemies waiting for you. Take them out and continue right until you reach a bridge at this bridge you will run into Vrael. Vrael is fighting the boss of this area, The Bulwark of Aldwynn. Head into the area Vrael was just in if you want to face the boss right away. If you want to face the boss with both journals, and grab some other items read more below. 

Before the bridge leading to the boss arena, you should see two ladders. One ladder is heading up, while the other is heading down. Head up the ladder going up and activate the lever there to open access to the ladder going down. Head back down to the ladder going down and take it down. 

Boss Journal 1: The Bulwark of Aldwynn

As you are heading down the ladder, you should see an archer on a platform to your right. Jump off the ladder and onto the platform. Jump off the right of the platform and hug the wall to land on a ledge with the first boss journal on it. 

The area we want to head is located on this ledge with the crying creature.

After you’ve grabbed the boss journal, drop down and make your way left. You will see a ladder going up. Go up the ladder and you will see a ledge with a creature on it. Jump to the ledge and head to the left. You will enter a sort of shop. Talk to the shopkeeper to get Grimgaud’s Brew. Finish talking and continue heading to the left. 

Boss Journal 2: The Bulwark of Aldwynn

Head left through the shop to reach the second boss journal. It is sitting behind a locked door that can only be opened from the right side. Grab the journal and open the door to get a shortcut. 

With both journals in hand, make your way through the locked door we opened and on to the ladder to the left. Climb the ladder and head left past all the poison spewing enemies until you reach a locked door. Open the door to get a shortcut back to Sanctuary. Return to the ladder we went up to get here and this time take it down. 

Grimgaud (NPC)

Grimgaud is located on the platform at the bottom of the ladder.

At the bottom of the ladder is the NPC Grimgaud who we saved from the Obsidian Plateau. This NPC has a bunch of abilities for sale:

  • Cross Slash – 200
  • Crushing Tide – 200
  • Seismic Nova – 200
  • Cleaving Throw – 200
  • Unyielding Strike – 200
  • Flame Blitz – 200

Grimgaud specializes in heavy weapon and greatsword abilities, so hit him up if you have a build specializing in any of these styles. 

After you’ve talked with Grimgaud, turn and walk to the right edge of the platform he is on. Jump off the platform to the right and sword jump to reach the ledge with a Spell Blade on it. Grab the Spell Blade and drop down to the area below. From here you can go either left or right. To the left is a very strong enemy that drops a decent amount of shards. To the right you can head back to the ladder by the Bulwark arena (avoid the area down to Darkness Falls for now). Regardless of where you go, be sure you head to the Bulwark once you are done. 

Boss: The Bulwark of Aldwynn

The Bulwark of Aldwynn can be a somewhat frustrating fight as there are a number of things to keep track of during it. The first and most crucial is defeating the additional enemies when they appear. The second is avoiding the huge damage strikes the Bulwark can dish out. For a better look at this fight, see the video above. 

After you beat The Bulwark of Aldwynn you will receive a Talent Point, the Bulwark’s Shield, and a pathway to the right will open up. Before we head down that pathway, head left out of the arena and climb the ladder up to the switch once again. Jump out across the hanging spiked traps and use them to reach the item on the platform to the left. Grab the Aldwynn Greatsword +2 and return to the boss arena. Head right out of the boss arena to reach a new area called, Aldwynn

Thoughts on our Death’s Gambit guide? Let us hear them in The Pit Below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Kai says:

    Ione is a woman

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