Death’s Gambit Guide

Now that we have access to the city of Aldwynn it is time to make or way through it. To do this we need to traverse a rather long runthrough of the area. At the end of Aldwynn we will reach a boss fight in the form of Origa. Before doing that however, let’s loot the place and grab her boss journals.

To reach Aldwynn make your way to the right of the Bulwark of Aldwynn’s boss arena. As you enter the area you will be stopped by Vrael. After the exchange grab the death idol and continue heading to the right. Head up the ladder to the platform above. Take out the spear wielder then drop down and kill both archers. Walk up the stairs to the right until you reach a closed gate and a ladder. Go up the ladder to the platform above. Before you continue heading to the right, jump off the platform to the left onto an archway. On the archway is a Moss Shield. Grab the item and return up the ladder. 

On top of the platform head to the right. As soon as you step out onto the large bridge, a sniper (yes a person with a sniper rifle) will appear on the buildings in the background. This sniper is Origa the boss of the area. She will attempt to shoot you as you cross the bridge so either sprint across or use the bridges rocks for cover.  If you make it all the way to this area without using a plume you can open a Phoenix Chest with the Haste Aura item inside it. Drop down into the area below. 

In this lower area you can go either left or right. Go left first to open a shortcut back to the death idol at the beginning of Aldwynn (the closed gate by the ladder). Go right to head deeper into Aldwyn. As you head to the right you will need to defeat a Golden Lancer. Defeating it will earn you a Soul Stone and 210 shards. Continue right until you reach a fork going up and down. Go down to gather the first boss journal. Return to the fork and head up.

Death's Gambit Aldwynn broken death idol.

This death idol can be destroyed if you don’t move fast enough.

Grab the 1x Crow Plume here and take out the Lightning Priest. Just past this enemy is a death idol. This death idol can be destroyed by Fink if you don’t kill him before he runs into the red barrels, so act quickly. If you don’t, the death idol is useless to you. Regardless, head right into the next area.

In this new area grab the Radiant Plume near the entrance then head further to the right until you reach a ladder going down. Go down the ladder to reach a death idol. Before you leave this area, grab the shortcut to the left which leads back to Sanctuary by way of underneath the Bulwark of Aldwynn’s boss arena. Go back up the ladder and head inside the door to the left. Inside this room head to the end (right/left/right) to grab the second boss journal of Origa. Jump above the journal to the space in the wall. Walk out across the beams to reach a Phoenix Chest with the Bow of the Damned inside. Drop down and leave this room and head right to the next room you can go inside (need to fight a Golden Lancer along the way).

Inside this building make your way up to grab a Leaf of Gaia. Make your way to the lower portion to grab the Church Basement Key. After you have both items leave the room and head to the right into the church. Inside the church make your way to the ladder going down. Go down the ladder and open the door using the Church Basement Key. Continue down to reach a death idol and a Feather Upgrade. Return to the main floor of the church and walk right to meet Origa. Continue right after meeting Origa to enter the boss arena.

Boss: Origa

Origa can be found in the graveyard of the church area. This boss wields a sniper rifle which she uses to shoot you from afar. For a look at the fight with Origa, check out the video above. 


Death's Gambit Origa Boss Fight guide

If you die during the Origa fight, you will be moved to this cell.

If you die during the Origa boss fight, you will be moved to a cell in the church. In the cell you will be locked in unless you use a Crow Feather, or by using the Suicide Dagger In the barrel to the left. If you die a second time, a death idol will appear in the cell and Vrael will come and unlock the cell for you. 

For defeating Origa you earn a Talent Point, 1500 Shards, and the Sigil of Caer Siorai (Key Item)

After you defeat Origa, she will take you over to the gate leading to Caer Siora. Walk through the gate and you will get a brief cutscene with Sorun and Vrael. Talk to both Ione and Vrael and then return to Origa’s arena. In the arena Origa will speak with you once again and open up a way back to Sanctuary (left), or right towards a boss called Endless who you can’t defeat. Head right towards the boss and drop down the gap to get a Feather Upgrade. Go back up jump the gap. Head into the boss area and die to get taken to Corpse City of Y’Inoth

Thoughts on our Death’s Gambit guide? Let us hear them in The Pit Below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Kai says:

    Ione is a woman

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